Monday, January 08, 2007



不只是我,连美云,大奶彬,天才庆,Ah Toot还有班上其他一些同学也都很不喜欢她。这个人的名字叫Jade,我们给她取了一个匿名,叫玉头。



她老爱装做一副自以为很厉害的样子。今天,有一道数学问题我不太明白,就走去问天才庆。玉头就坐在天才庆后面,她听见我问天才庆问题,就很鸡婆地站起来,想看我在问什么。这样已经够没礼貌了,可是,当她知道我在问什么时,竟然还大声笑了出来,以嘲讽的语气取笑我,说:“哎哟!这么简单的东西你都听不懂。真是笨!”她竟然骂我笨!我好生气,差点就忍不住要骂回她了。这时,Ah Toot看见我被玉头欺负,就走到玉头的面前,很不客气地说:“你干嘛那么鸡婆啊?人家有问题关你屁事?”玉头看见Ah Toot凶神恶煞的样子,有点害怕了,摆了一个脸色,就坐下来,假装翻书本。唉,幸好有我的白马王子救我。





当时,除了大奶彬和天才庆,还有Ah Toot,美云和我在场,目睹了这件事的发生。我们一起讨论,要不要告诉老师。可是,我们觉得,老师一定不会相信我们的!


今天,英文老师要我们分组讨论,课题是“科技为现代社会带来什么样的威胁”。天才庆就坐在玉头前面,而Ah Toot刚好坐在玉头后面,在老师的安排下,他们没办法,一定要和玉头同组。听Ah Toot下课后告诉我,玉头根本没有加入讨论。其他组员尝试问她问题,她理都不理,只坐在那里发呆。讨论结束后,要派一个代表在黑板上写下每一组的论点,一位男同学看不惯玉头的态度,就很严厉地命令玉头担任他们那组的代表。玉头瞪了他一眼,站起身来,假装肚子痛,跟老师说她马上需要上厕所。这么一去,玉头就一整天都没回来上课了。听说她演技一流,老师都给她骗了,还允许她放两天病假,明天和后天都不必来上课!



Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

hmm...ah toot 英雄救美~!! 哈哈~ 好样的!! ^^ hehe...至于玉头...hmm...真是个大问题,以为她好像很喜欢找大头芬他们的麻烦哟~!
加油了大头芬!!! =]

babe80 said...

哈 喽 ! 大 头 芬 小 姐 这 是 我 第 一 次 电 邮 给 你 。 我 非 常 喜 欢 听你 的 YES 933FM 广 播 的 大头 芬 的 世 界 , 因 此 我 听 一 月 八 日 那 晚 的大头 芬 的 世 界 关 于 你大 头 芬 小 姐非 常 很 不 喜 欢 那 个 女 孩 子 名 字 叫 Jade 的 同 学 。 我 有 一 个 朋 友 , 她 当 时 在 做 的 第 一份工 作 的 时 候 她 的 上 司 非 常 的 刻 薄 还 经 常 骂 她 不 管 她 也 没 有 做 错 她 的上 司总 是 正 对 她 。 因 为 , 现 在 她 已 经 没 有 做 那份工作 了 所 以 她 还 跟 我 说 那 个 上 司的 英 文 名 字 叫 Thomas 不 但 这 样 子 有 一 次 她 还 跟 我 说 什 么 呢 ? 她 的上 司还 当 中 她 的 面 前 侮 辱 我 的 这 个朋 友的 父 母 亲 呢 ! 哪 里 有 这 样 的上 司吗 ? 就 这 样 , 她 便 辞 职 不 干 了 !

所 以 , 她 便 去 找 另 一 份 工 作 她 以 为 会 避 免 小 人 但 是 这 么 知 道 她另 一 份 工 作新 的 也 是 同 样 的 事 情 发 生 又 是上 司为 什 么 每 次 我 的朋 友都 是 碰 到 小 人 的 这 次 她 的上 司名 字 叫 燕 燕 现 在 她 已 经 在 也 没 有 不 必 碰 到 小 人 ! 实 在 太 好 了 , 我 非 常 为 她 开 心 因 为 她 现 在 的 工 作 非 常 的 顺 利 ! 而 且 , 比 以 前 的 那 两 个上 司来 的 好 多 了 。她 的上 司名 字 叫 燕 燕 有 时 候 对 她 不 满 便 每 次 想 要 以 暴 力 行 为 说 “ 我 非 常 想 要 掴 她 ( 我 的 朋 友 )一 把 掌 ” 。 但 是 ,她 的上 司名 字 叫 燕 燕却 不 敢 而 且 怕 自 己 的 饭 碗 跳 起 舞 来 所 以 不 敢 这 么 做 ! 嗨 ! 为 什 么 会 遇 到 这 些 小 人 呢 ?

哦 ! 对 了 , 那 就 谈 起 我 自 己 好 了 。 我 记 得 我 以 前 在 中 学 时 代 也 有 正 经 碰 到 象Jade 的 同 学她 的 名 字 叫 诗 敏 。 有 一 天 , 休 息 的 时 候 我 跟 别 班 的 同 学 聊 起 天 来 刚 好 她 却 忘 记 带 零 用 钱去 学 校 我 当 时 想 要 借 给 她 , 她 却 说 不 用 。 我 那 个 时 候 有 带 一 些 面 包 , 她 却 说 她 并 不 是 非 常 的 肚 子 饿 所 以 我 就 自 己 吃 好 了 !学 识 那 个 在 班 里 也 不 是 每 个 人 非 常 喜 欢 的诗 敏同 学竟 然 抢 我 手 中 的 面 包 那 去 扔 进垃 圾 桶 里 去 。 你 说 这 样 子 的同 学是 不 是 非 常 惹 人 讨 忍 厌 ! 还 好 , 我 们 已 经 毕 业 了 !

Anonymous said...

玉头 = 芋头?sounds delicious :)



Anonymous said...

sometime there r many ppl like jade beside us...
this kind of ppl no need to care of them ...
don mind what they hav said...
but must confirm tat don make urself become ppl like them...
or esle u will not hav friend any more...

Anonymous said...

That "Yu Tou" too much.....
But at this society always got this kind of person..Including School Timing Or another place,suddenly remind my School Time case......
I got One friend name YY.She Always "Tan Xiao Pian Yi" always let my guys Friend to buy anything to her.Che always think she are beautiful.Including My best friend's boyfriend She Also want to "take it".My best friend-Mei Ling,so sad because she think YY is her best friend...
after that,that "boyfriend" also fall in love with that YY...Mei Ling Not Hate Thay Guy.But she Not so Understand why YY can Treat Her Like that...And then YY let every one know about that guy and she very very conjugal love.And she say is Mei Ling "Jian" and mei ling given up first to that guys earlier.we feel so sad And regret why we treat her before very well.But we not understand why she treat us like that.
Too Sad...."Pei Ai"
But i hope every one can enjoy their life...Jia you every one

miss angela said...

haiy0.. tat yu t0u really t0o much ler.. da t0u fen.. dun get t0 angry.. c0s the m0re u angry the m0re she like t0 d0 tat.. d0n't b0ther ab0ut her lar.. she want attenti0n.. dun b0ther her.. relax 0kay.. jia y0u.. must study hard hard 0kay

Anonymous said...

wow.. what a nasty classmate are they having now. So headache!!

Peifen, actually i am more curious about Ah Toot & DTF date. Have they start holding hands? Or do they go for a movies or any romantic dinner? heehee

Anonymous said...

dat0ufen, bring yut0u's table & chair out of the classr00m, let her now she's very irritating... haha ^~^

outlimit said...

Normally, people like yu tou behave like this because she want to attract more attention. She often do irritating stuff is to let others notice her. But others often only look at surface and hate her more instead of finding the true reason. Maybe DTF should try to get near her, be friends with her and understand why she behave like this, as DTF is a kind hearted, tolerable gal.

Yu Tou can be seen that she actually is not a bad student, result always not bad till something happen and caused her result to fall.....

Anywhere DTF Jiayou!!! jiayou!!!! Change yu tou from a everyone hate student to a student that everyone like. U can do it!!!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

那个玉头是性格扭曲吗??? 怎么这样子的呢?? 如果是我的话早就打她咯。。 是不是很暴力。。 呵呵。。 不过本人认为按照剧情走的话,大头芬应该很快就会知道玉头到底是为了什么变成这样, 相信他们会变成好朋友的。。 只希望不要出现程要金来破坏大头芬n Ah Toot... 哇哈哈。。

Anonymous said...

tt jade is acting pro siah
or even act chio
she didn't even help out when u needed help wif work, instead she laughed at u.
wad does she tinks she is siah!
but ah toot is so brave n romantic
save u frm being bully by tt jade :)

Lyanne Teo said...

usually people like yu tou r everywhere...

den we cann't be such people n others will hate u...

Her parents r divorce, right?
i guess she lack the love from de family warm...

such mother only impress de image of money can solve every problems...

Tressure n Pressure friends, k?

I meet such people before..
get hurt much, until now!!

we r classmate since primary 1..
such fate i dun wat:((

de story r long but almost like de blog1

so terrible n horrible experience...

dats all

**@.@ tq 4 read out my messages...
so excited, support u always, feN

Lyanne Teo said...

maybe we should be friends with her---yu tou...

Lyanne Teo said...

altough we cann't change other people...

but de feeling of hate n dislike must delete, right?

Anonymous said...

dear peifen, i love datoufen's story very very much.its is so damn interesting..but could you please elaborate more on the details of the story..and we would like to know more bout arh toot and fen's relationship,pls write more about them..

Anonymous said...

that jade head can go eat poopoo BIG!! wth??!! her turf? come on..doesn't mean mum is rich then can do wateva she wants lo..NO SENSE. SCARLY her family got problems also can't blame her bah..hmm.. maybe shes the only ginna in her family so she like that izzit? haha..=)

Anonymous said...

Hi pei fen.

Watching ur show on channel U now.

U had a nose job. ur nose looks kinda...........

No offend.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

那個玉頭, zen bu yao lian!! hao tai yen ta oh! hmph!!!!
hen si ta!

Anonymous said...



大头芬,不管你和大奶彬,天才庆,Ah Toot,美云等人决定找老师或者是和全班一起排斥,绝对赞成!我小时候也受过这种罪。所以我绝对了解!

Liling♥ said...
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Anonymous said...

actually it's inevitable that there are such people ( people such as jade) in society. most of the time they do such things out of jealousy or wanting attention.

i've had experience with one such person as well. exactly the same as jade. i know her family background and all that but i feel that it's not purely due to her family but her own insecurities. that's why she is behaving like that and no amount of understanding can "change" her
*note: jade might be different*

but first step first, da tou fen, get to know her. but keep ah toot away from her. u never know what she will do. =p
*note: highly possible since he seem to defend u alot(:*

Anonymous said...

From snoopy girl...

Jade head is such a spoilt brat from a rich family... how come nobody knows about her dad? Is she from broken family? or mum is a mistress? Hmmm... :p

Maybe Jade's action is to create attention... just like sometimes rich children will also shoplift, just to create more attention...

maybe DTF and company can know her more by asking the teachers?

Anonymous said...

maybe jade's father passed away then she vry sad,so like tt bully ppl to vend the sadness...

dtf,i've been through this b4 ...
i'm scared to hurt the ppl's feelings but i wanna retaliate...

wah..ah toot zhen shi ge da ying xiong!!zhen xian mu ni.. this is probably wad true love is..

dtf jy!!

Anonymous said...


bittergourd said...


Seems to me that Jade is a really nuisance to the students in your class.Dun worry,善有善报,恶有恶报。She will get her just deserts soon. Besides, she is already penalised by being an eyesore to the students in the class. Not to be evil, this type of people are cowards who pick people to bully. Just try not to be a pushover in future. Coming back, I still hope that Jade can be as nice as her name is , and not be a yam(芋头).

In the past, there was this irritating colleague in my army camp. Initially, thought that since he has some difficulties carrying things, so I helped him. In the end, he went overboard and make use of me to do things for him and claim credit. Having to face this type of despicable for almost 10 hours a day is reslly unlucky. In your case, at least you need not face that Jade after school, I have to face that fellow even after office hours. Aiyah, all is over now. Like Jade, he is hated , I repeat it is hated by all of us. I am a bit more bad, when he talked to me, I ignored him. I believe that when people treat you like a transparent guy is the worst treatment that one can receive.It is really taxing and vexing to deal with such people. I believe Secondary school student are less devious. Still, I think that Jade must have her reasons for her rebellious behaviour. Too bad, she will get her just deserts soon. Hope that I am wrong, and that you can be the one to include Jade in your activities.


Whoa! Seems like DTF's Sec 3 class has a lot of weirdos. First is Meiyun, then now is Jade, who will be next? It is really like a mini drama on Secondary school life. Got problematic students, weirdos, BGR and admiration of teacher. What is next? The previous few episodes are meaningful and realistic, you even ask us whether we admire any teachers before and the student we hate. A good start to DTF's Sec 3 life.Saw you on 简单就是美,on Channel U last night, it is some sort like a diary of yours, quite interesting. Jia You!

guigui said...
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guigui said...

moshi moshi~
i jux sign up tis 大头芬的世界 ~
so i hope can knows many things n stories in here~
my computer cannot tape chiness , sorry ~ paise~
so i will tape in english~
but my english is not good nahx~
paise paise paise paise~

Ms Krong said...

Hi Peifen! Thanks for writing such interesting stories! They remind me of my secondary school days... That's quite a long time ago though! :P

Anonymous said...

erm..i have frens like yutou.but no one is born to be irritated.there must be something happened to her and we don't don't ever adjust a book by its cover :) when u know more about her.and turely understand her.then u ahve the right to commend about her =)

丫娃娃 said...


Anonymous said...

yucks... I loathe this kind of ppl.... Stay away from Jade... think her mum shld better educate her in the right way...

Anonymous said...

tis yu tou is like so much, nvr think of how others look and think of her. she is kinda rude and she tot she is the queen of the class. so bad attitude. like the class is hers like that. hmmm. think you all can do tat to her maybe she may feel regret n change her character if not ignore her lol. treat her as invisible and try not to involve anything with her

oO-aMy-Oo said...





~LinG~ said...

哈哈。。。Ah toot好帅~

Anonymous said...

i thk tt her results r always vry gd till the father pass away...(idea)or the father is divorced..

so she's jealous at ppl who has a father so sometimes we muz try 2 look frm her point of view...try to be frens with her if not she will rebel more...

maybe the teachers like her bcoz they pity her...

Anonymous said...

jade thinks she's so 'goood in a sense' ta hui you beo ying de. kao dao ni zhe ke post ye shi rang wo hen sheng qi..
da tou fen jia you!! ni ke yi 'da bai' ta de (:

Anonymous said...

sry shi 'bao ying'

Anonymous said...

搞不好她会喜欢上Ah Toot,然后横刀夺爱也说不定!Ahhhh!

bearbear said...



ahben said...

hello... i m 1st time here..

Anonymous said...

hi i lyke ur da tou fen nick....damn cool !!

Anonymous said...

pei fen jia mi pass a msg to jia hui, y so long nvr post blog entries liao??

Anonymous said...

heya pei fen...i juz 'came out' of jia hui's blog...juz wanna leave a comment lah!!Rock on , jia youz and ah toot rulez..heehee