Thursday, January 25, 2007


我和Ah Toot还没第一次牵手,就已经第一次吵架了。


我常常会把伟胜告诉我的一些东西说给Ah Toot听,比如,如果伟胜说某某电影好看,我就会问Ah Toot要不要去看。Ah Toot每次都说不要,可是没说为什么。我也只好不看那部电影,或和大奶彬还是美云一起去看咯。我发觉,每次一提到伟胜,Ah Toot就会不想说话了。我问过Ah Toot,是不是不喜欢伟胜,Ah Toot摇头说不是。

今天,下课后,Ah Toot问我要不要一起到学校附近的咖啡店去吃午餐。因为今天有合唱团练习,所以大奶彬也和我们一起吃。天才庆为了陪大奶彬,也跟着来了。到了咖啡店,我想起伟胜说过,这里有一个新开的摊位,卖的鸡饭很好吃,就兴奋地拍Ah Toot的背,指着那摊鸡饭说:“喏!就是那摊!伟胜说他们卖的鸡饭很好吃!”还以为Ah Toot会开开心心地和我一起去排队买鸡饭,没想到他竟然脸色变黑,在大奶彬和天才庆的面前很生气地大声说:“他说好吃就一定好吃吗?我不想吃鸡饭!”说完,就气呼呼地往鱼丸面的摊位走去。

大奶彬和天才庆都被吓坏了,问我Ah Toot怎么了。我也被Ah Toot的反应吓呆了,不知道该怎样回答他们。除了惊讶,我还有一点点生气和伤心。Ah Toot为什么要在我的朋友面前不给我任何面子,这么凶地骂我?可怜的大奶彬和天才庆已经买了食物,没办法,一定要留下来好吃完才能离开。我们四个就在很尴尬的情况下静静地把午餐吃完。

吃了午餐,大奶彬说要送天才庆到巴士车站,等一下才在合唱团练习见面。他们离开后,我和Ah Toot一起走回学校。我不敢开口,怕说错话又被他骂。半途中,他开口了。

Ah Toot:“你为什么那么安静?”


Ah Toot:“你可不可以不要一直提伟胜这个名字?很烦。”


Ah Toot:“你整天都在告诉我伟胜说了这个,说了那个,我一点兴趣都没有。他那么厉害,那你去找他做男朋友好了。”

听见Ah Toot这句话,我再也忍不住泪水了。可是,我又不想他看见我哭。于是,我没有回答他的话,默默地加快脚步,开始跑向学校的后门。我听见Ah Toot叫了一声我的名字,但我没有回头。在那一刻,我不想见到他,不想跟他说话。

傍晚回家时,大奶彬问我跟Ah Toot怎样了。我把事情告诉她,可是没说我哭了。她听了事情的来龙去脉,思考了一下,很认真地说:“我觉得hor,Ah Toot是在吃醋啦。男孩子就是这样的,不喜欢自己的女朋友一直提别的男孩子。你谈到伟胜,他当然会不爽啦。”

大奶彬这么一说,我才明白Ah Toot下午为什么会发脾气。虽然了解了,但,我还是不服。吃醋就能说伤人的话吗?我们以前是朋友,Ah Toot从来都没对我发过脾气。如果变成情人就一定要吵架,那我宁愿一辈子做朋友。


Anonymous said...

第一个!! 哈哈 。。。我想ahtoot怎的是吃醋了。。可是不用经啦。。。。因为这样才好吗。。这代表他真的爱你!!!

xinfu oo!!

Anonymous said...

真 羡 慕 大 头 芬 的 咯! 我 想 谈 恋 爱, 可 是 都 没 人 追!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

如 果 大 头 芬 对 伟 胜 有 感 觉 的 话, 就 与 AHTOOT 分 手!

Anonymous said...

大头芬so可怜ah toot无聊leh弄大头芬哭他不因该这样对大头芬如果是我,我也会哭arh........女孩子leh........
ahtoot 因该道歉让大头芬开心才对!!!送大头芬喜欢的chocolate大头芬一定会高兴的



Anonymous said...

Maybe can talk to him the next day, tell him tat he has misunderstood datoufen liao. She told him abt all the suggestions tat Wei Sheng had suggested all becoz her own bf dun have any suggestions wat...
Instead of appreciating, he even turn a cold shoulder towards her!
Guys should take the initiative to ask gals out lor... He is not doing his job as a bf, still dare to blame his gf...

Anonymous said...

to a certain extend, ah toot should not have say those things to hurt her gf la but i believe he doesn't meant it. Sometimes is only 一氣之下 say one.This pt ah toot have to change.

But then girls sometime also have to considerate abit la. Everytime infront of bf mention another guy, the bf confirm will angry ma, if change role, the guy infront of gf keep mention other girl, u all as gf won't jealous meh. think is vice versa lor.

Anonymous said...

Ah Toot will sure be jealous can be understandable la. Where got guy like his gf to be close to other guy.
But at his point guy muz oso reflect themselves why they can close to other yets ger cant.
But best is juz mention that this thing is nice dont keep saying "weisheng say this weisheng say tat" i tink this make Ah Toot this that he is no use and Da tou fen dont like him..
Jia you Ah Toot and Da Tou Fen
Say cheers

Anonymous said...

对!对!对! 男朋友有时候就是那么的烦。为一些无聊的东西吵个不停。但是他是太在乎大头芬是吧?

Anonymous said...

I think Da tou fen wants more friends to communicate so that she won't get lonely, but like that will let ah toot jealous is normal, even a small thing also must quarrel until like that. Ah toot must be really love da tou fen in order to say all these words out...

Anonymous said...


Ah Toot这样的反应虽然是有点伤害了大头芬,可是这样代表了Ah Toot是关心她,在乎他的。所以大头芬不要那么伤心啦,应该高兴才对啊!


Anonymous said...


我觉得大头芬不应该和交往。两个人只要是很好很好的朋友,there'll be no communication barrier anymore. =)

Jason said...

吵架其实是一种很好的沟通方式。如果ah toot 不吃醋的话,那大头芬是不是会想为什么我的男朋友都不会吃醋?一定会雨过天晴的。因为两人都没谈过恋爱,ah toot 和大头芬就要好好加油!相识相知是天意,要珍惜~!

Anonymous said...

哎 呀, 谈 恋 爱 本 来 就 是 要 高 高 兴 兴 的 嘛!!Ah toot 这 样 没 肚 量, 干 脆 跟ah toot 分 了 吧! :)

GiGi Shuping said...

Things to remember in a love relationship, keep putting urself in other shoes :) Like things we dun like to hear from loved one, we also try not to say. In love relationship, there's alot of TABOO... (this case, of cos we gals also dun like our bf to keep mentioning abt other gal's or ex-gf's name most of the time) hehe... More things to learn from this FIRST LOVE, DTF!

~Xiao Yao~ said...

虽然大头芬和ah toot 已经是男女朋友了,可是感情应该还不稳定吧。毕竟都是第一次而且又刚开始。所以ah toot 的反应这么大应该是可以理解的吧。明明都还不够亲密却要一直听自己的女朋友讲关于别的男人的事,ah toot 也难免要胡思乱想啦。



Anonymous said...

hi peifen, can u tell us again where is the cafe that ah toot took datoufen to play games at?
and how to get there?


Anonymous said...

我的感觉是ah toot跟大头芬很可能不会在一起很久。很多年轻人都是莫名其妙的和一个人在一起,不是说他们没有好好的想过,而是当爱情或一种感觉很象爱来的时侯,他们的想法都不是最正常了。大头芬看起来不是很明白为什么他和ah toot会在一起,好像当朋友会开心点。一但有这种想法就很难好好的做情人。。。

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Ah toot!!

I ever use this words to my 6 yrs gal friend, than she lift me and nver come back. Nver asked a gal go to another guy, which is quite hurt to a gal.

hmm.. relationship built up isn,t ez. But lost a relationship even ez.

Built up a relationship need many time and day, but lost a relatioship is can be as a split sec.

Able together, is a fate.

Both parties must try to treasure it and overcome all types of experience.

Jealous it would be to any couples, try to be more understand it be good.

A gal want to tell u the encouter, it means she got confident on ur lvl of understanding.

Give n take also try think positively. Than ur relationship will last..

Frm Bernard

Anonymous said...

我相信吵架是难免的,可是最重要是要把心里的话说出来让彼此知道对方的想法。 这样一来,不但能解决问题也能更了解对方。其实,每个人都会吃醋的,可是吃太多醋是不好的喔!所以,Ah Toot 应该学会如何去让大头芬知道他爱她, 而不是让大头芬伤心。 大头芬, 加油!(:

Anonymous said...

DTF & Ah toot.. Getting into a relationship is easy, but building a good foundation for a relationship is not easy.. If the foundation is not set up strongly, this relationship will end veri soon.. DTF, as a lady, sometimes,you realli have to understand how a guy feel when his gf keep telling him how good another guy is, wad the other guy tells her.. Ah toot is jealous coz it seems like everyday you are telling him wad wei sheng tell you.. Sometimes, do listen to wad ah toot might think.. you will understand him better..

In the past, before i got married to my hubby, i do have a bf who is veri good.. But due to misunderstandings, we are not able to stay on in that relationship for long.. Maybe it's due to miscommunication ba.. That's why, now i will go ard telling couples to communicate more to clear all conflicts ahead...

Peifen.. Keep up the good work! I realli like Da Tou Fen De Shi Jie so much that, every encore telecast, i will try to "eat snake" juz to listen to the show! Jia You!!

Anonymous said...

我 能 了 解 Ah Toot 的 感 受。 因 为 我 的 男 朋 友 有 位 女 性 朋 友 经 常 在 和 她 的 男 朋 友 吵 架, 或 想 找 人 谈 天, 或 有 事 要 人 帮 忙 的 时 候, 一 定 会 找 我 的 男 朋 友。 就 算 是 在 三 更 半 夜 的 时 候 也 会 打 电 话 找 他 聊 天。 虽 然 我 知 道 我 的 男 朋 友 是 爱 我 的, 感 觉 还 是 很 不 舒 服。 有 谁 喜 欢 自 己 的 男 女 朋 友 和 别 的 异 性 朋 友 走 得 太 近。

如 果 你 因 为 你 的 另 一 半 和 别 的 异 性 朋 友 走 得 太 近 而 觉 得 不 舒 服 的 时 候, 你 因 该 和 和 气 气 的 跟 你 的 另 一 半 谈 一 谈, 不 是 责 怪 他。 让 他 知 道 他 们 这 样 的 关 系 让 你 觉 得 不 舒 服。 责 怪 是 不 会 解 决 问 题 的, 只 会 把 问 题 越 变 越 大。

Anonymous said...

this seems really familiar to me. as this happen to me before. I was like 大头芬 too. I used to tell my bf about this guy friend whom i really really close with (it's actually our classmate too), about thingsm like jokes, suggestions and etc. like eg " B say this... B say that..." i'll quote what he said.

i didn't know that my bf didn't like about it, as he had never say another about it. it was after that i had broken up with him, then i realised it from another friend about it. that's when i know where i had gone wrong. if it's me, i too won'tlike it, for him to kept mentioning about another girl to me.

that's also when i realised that i'm really Shen Zai Fu Zhong Bu Zhi Fu. he really dote on me alot. he's a really good bf. but i wasn't a good gf to him. i always grumble and complain that he's doesn't understand me and didn't understand my stand and point of view.

but all end well, after this mistake, i realised what i had been missing all along, i sincerely said sorry to him and now we are together again.

my advice to 大头芬 and all is that, cherish what you have. think of the other person before you. put yourself in their shoes before you do things. like if you don't like your bf/gf to be so close with another girl/guy, then you don't do it too. and how will you feel if they do what you don't like them to do. it's all vice versa. don't be double standard and considerate their feelings just as yours. if one of you are not happy about certain, talk about it. though sometimes it's not really easy.

don't be like me. i don't want others to be like me, i had learn the hard way, and had to go one big round to understand and know what a nice bf mine is.

cherish what you have.

大头芬 i hope you understand Ah toot's heart and that you meant alot to him. if not, he won't be bother with you being so close with another guy. if he doesn't bother anymore, THAT'S when you REALLY have to start worring.

JIA YOU AH 大头芬. :)

tiramiswu said...

y podcast got 33 oni? got prob downloading eh...?

Anonymous said...

ah toot, u better say sry if not too late den u noe!!!

dtf,u sld'nt be like tt. humans confrm will jealous 1 mah, day in day out tok abt wei sheng...

but thru all these, u will noe tt ah toot loves u truefully!!!!

(so sweet!!! mie bf oso not like tt biao bai 2 mi 1)

Anonymous said...

I think even ah toot is jealous he shouldn't throw his temper at datoufen because she have not done anything wrong think ah toot should just tell datoufen he is jealous and not shout to her.:) Ko said...

如果是你。ahtoot keep saying someone
good.. someone best.. wat e someone say is always so cool...
will sure not happy ma...
i think.. sld really sit down with ahtoot and talk abt it!!! hahaha

But i hope u 2 will be very 幸福!

Anonymous said...

ah toot... is quite bad to scold her like that... but on the other side, i think its a kind of thing that not everybody can have... cause u see, if he is like that, it means that he likes you!!! not everyone can be like you u noe...=]

Anonymous said...

erm dtf..starts so early?8pm starts?

... said...

I think they should sit down and talk abt it... if not they will sure break up... i think Ah toot really like fen alot so i think its best for him to say sry

Anonymous said...

I think At Toot and Xiao Fen shouold give each other another chance... Why noy try again? It will not harm anyway...

simplicity said...

hmm...i really pity datoufen about the matter

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It is normal la big head fen... i'v been in this situasion before.. though, u both have to sit down, clarify & get things out before it is too late...anyway, we still broken up in the end. Well, big head fen, juz do with ur heart...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Couple quarrel very normal. Don't be sad.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

kat2303 really doesnt have any common sense.