Monday, January 29, 2007


星期六,我和Ah Toot约在东海岸公园见面。是我主动约他的。我不能再忍受和他的冷战了。所以,我想和他谈谈,听听他有什么看法。

周末的东海岸公园,总是热闹的,好多父母带着孩子到公园骑脚车,跑步,流滑轮,还有三五成群的青年一起来玩。我和Ah Toot走到那个面向海的亭子底下,刚好没人,便坐了下来,开始聊天。

Ah Toot问我功课应付得怎样,他还记得我上个星期说过数学有点不明白。我说,回家做了几个习题就明白了,现在已经没问题了。他点头说没问题就好。我问他和爸爸还有阿姨的关系怎样,他说因为开学了,很少见到阿姨,不过跟爸爸的感情还算不错。听他这么说,我也为他感到开心。我们就这样一直聊,聊学校里的事,聊家人,聊朋友,感觉上好象回到过去还是朋友的时候。天南地北,无所不谈。聊了快一个钟头,还是没提起我们之间的问题。

这时,Ah Toot问了我一个问题。“可以和你拍一张照吗?我们从认识到现在,好象还没正式合照过。”



Ah Toot在说“单独合照”时,显得有点害羞。为了不要让他太尴尬,我便兴奋地回答:“哦!原来你是这个意思。好吧!我们来一起拍一张照。不过,你要让我整理一下头发。这里风很大,我的头发都乱了。”

整理好头发后,Ah Toot拿出他的手机,我们两个头靠在一起,摆了一个可爱的pose。他左手拿着手机,把手机举起,镜头转向我们,问我“准备好了吗?”我说“OK!” Ah Toot倒数3,2,1…


我好象听见Ah Toot说了些什么,但没听清楚。我叫他重复一遍,他却说没什么,不重要。

“这张照片不错。你笑得很甜。” Ah Toot一边仔细看着照片,一边说。



不知道为什么,Ah Toot的OK,好象带有一丝伤感。

拍完照,我们静静享受着海风,观察来往的人群。过了好几分钟,Ah Toot开口了。



“其实,我大概知道你要说什么了。” Ah Toot微笑着说。


我睁大眼睛看着Ah Toot,愣了一下。他怎么会知道?我之前在家里对着镜子彩排,说的就是那句话。

Ah Toot似乎觉得我的表情很好笑。他笑了一声,继续说:“其实,我也有同样的想法。我真的不是一个很好的男朋友,又小气,脾气又不好,又不浪漫。你和我在一起,一定很不开心。”


Ah Toot的笑容消失了。他认真地望着前方,说:“到这个地步,说谁对谁错都没有用了吧。”

我知道他很伤心。突然之间,我觉得很内疚。在那一刻,我恍然大悟。一直以来,我都没有真正喜欢过Ah Toot。我只是把他当作好朋友看待。


Ah Toot看着我,又微笑了。不过他的笑容很微弱。“嗯。你说的没错。我也不想失去你这个朋友。好吧。从现在开始,我们就回到朋友的关系。”

Ah Toot把手伸出来,示意要握手。我紧紧握住那温暖的掌心,由衷地说了一声:“谢谢。”



Anonymous said...

Maybe it's still best to be friend ba.. But they seems prefect to be in a relationship.. (tat's my option)

GiGi Shuping said...

Like most listeners I believe, I felt tt it's a pity for the new couple to have this break-up in less than a FULL month... (Well, it's Feb soon and if I can still remember, they decided to be together since 01 Jan 2007!)

Haiz, if I were to comment abt Ah Toot's decision, I think he choose the way which DTF wants becos he wants DTF to be happy. Yes, if you really love someone, you will choose to let her go and want her happy with choice she prefers. And oh my god, Ah Toot also understand tt DTF prefers to maintain as best pal than as lovers. A guy which know how to love actually, cos his mind was all along thinking about making DTF happy or happier. Yup, love is not abt possession. Definitely.

But at the end of the day, when DTF mentioned tt she actually cried at tt nite... I still believe she love Ah Toot. Why? If she like the way she really wants - the lasting friendship thing, she would be really happy with Ah Toot's suggestion (which she thought tt she hoped for tt recently). But tt nite, if she felt sad... I worried tt she might regret this 'break-up' thing.

Afterall, I still recalled the times before chalet where DTF's mood was quite affected by Ah Toot's Auntie's daughter whom she thought the gal could be Ah Toot girlfriend before she know the truth. If she don't have crushes for Ah Toot, she wouldn't even need to feel uncomfortable for a frd to hang out with an opposite sex friend... Rite?

Somehow, I hope DTF would understand if she wants Ah Toot as friends forever or boyfriend. Don't wait til lost it then understand wat regret is all about. Afterall, I still believe the kind of Ah Toot as bf, who always concern about DTF's schoolwork after school... this sweet relationship wouldn't affect their studies :D

Somehow, it's really a pity to 'break-up'. Ah Toot is a good person, and afterall hardly to come by in life!

Anonymous said...

I guess DTF is rite in a way that they are too young for a r/ship, coz now she seems to be quite confused yet clear abt how she feels towards Ah Toot. Like they always say, time will tell...

Wish DTF n Ah T all d best!

Anonymous said...

I think i agree debra

Time will tell, but need patient.

If ah toot! love DTF, he will wait for her. Who knows ?!

haha.. I do have a fren who just married. They sec 3 broke off, but 6 yrs later back together.

And now, they married.

Again fate will bring them back, if DTF and Ah toot is paired by god.

Very hard to predict

Frm Bernard

Anonymous said...

好可惜喔..一直以为DTF和Ah Toot是很可爱的一对..

Anonymous said...

hey, i am glad that DTF is able to identify her feeling for ah that the more she is sure about her feeling i am happy for her but there will be very sad consequences cause now the heart is empty ler...

so like wat i said friendship is better than BGR...i believe than from now DTF can think more maturly and is able to knw whether next time if a guy in front of her is her mr. right or not...


await next new chapter of DTF

yixing said...

what is the difference between good friends and couples?

one of the reason i can think of is that a couple can behave intimately... ...

ah toot showed care and concern towards ah fen b4 they were couple... because he have feelings for her. why not just do the same when they were couple? ermx... it's true that he wants ah fen to be more happy, but he is just putting more pressure on himself.

what he can do is to "sui gan jue zhou", to accompany and encourage ah fen whenever she needs... to do some little things 4 her now and then... isn't it more than enough? i believe ah fen will feel the same.if say he one shot "pour" all his idea to let ah fen feel that she's the most lucky girlfriend in this world, how long can he last?

good friends normally lasts forever because friends accept each other mistakes AND have no expectations towards the other party... if ah toot and ah fen learns how to "lower" their expectation (ah toot is expecting himself to make ah fen very happy), then the relationship might work out, isn't it?

it's good for them to think through now, because they "really weren't considered to be a couple in the first place" (from my point of view and the storyline).

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

actually.. i really hate DTF at first because she hurt ah toot just like that... T_T but after reading those comments about DTF and Ah Toot. I think is not totally DTF's fault.... I agree with gigi shuping's comment."if you really love someone, you will choose to let she/he go and want she/he to be happy with the choice she/he prefers".. Hope DTF and Ah tOOt will be together again...

All the best Ah t00t..... ='(

Anonymous said...

IMO, DTF make the right decision. In a r/s , if both party are not happy abt it.. why carry on. Both of them are still young, there is still long way ahead of them. Can be frens friend first, nvr know maybe next time when both of them are ready, they can be couple again. Never get into a r/s jus becos others are doing so and you must follow.

Anonymous said...





祝大头芬与Ah Toot友谊用固...

Anonymous said...

valentines' day coming, DTF & ah toot wont celebrate v-day together...

SaSa said...

从朋友的部落各看到了这个留言,觉得很有意思,也可用在大头芬和Ah Toot的这段感情。




加油了,大头芬! Ah Toot也得加油! =)

Anonymous said...

DTF should not break up with Ah Toot

Anonymous said...

我觉得ahtoot势必不得已的。。他是要准总你的选择。。。 所以才答应你的。。我看俄促他会等你。。。

Anonymous said...

Maybe they do not have much confident in themselves,as friend they might feel more relaxed and can talk many things under the sun but if couples,they might not say all the things that how they feel or what he or she really wants or what are they thinking about now.As couple mosttly couples like to "cai yi" what is she or him thinking alot or suspect each other got thing hidding from each might be very stress,tire or even unhappy to do their usual thing.The break-up might not be a bad thing.Let them cool down and think what they really 1 or need? Then maybe start from friend they will be more happy then becoming couple,or maybe the next step or some days later have some changes or surprises that they might become more to "closer friends."

h.o.n.g.y.i. said...


但分开后要好好的调试对对方的感觉.把他(她)当做朋友看待,就算Ah Toot还是喜欢大头芬,也要尽量把她当朋友。就算大头芬喜欢上别人..Ah Toot得隐藏内心的痛,不要去吃醋。



Anonymous said...

if DTF break up with Ah Toot,then she should be together with 天才庆.

Anonymous said...

dtf and ah toot are probably too young to haf a relationship ba.

but you guys can always stay as frens,dtf, tt is juz an after effect .dont take it too seriously.

Alexxis. J said...

I think Xiao Fen still loves Ah Toot a lot...

Xavi said...

Well.. i wish Ah toot make the decision because he also doesn't want to see DTF sad lo... kinda sad that they end up in this stage. but i guess after those talking, DTF have start to realise that she does love Ah Toot. Lets hope that they will have a chance to be a couple in future

Anonymous said...

哇!大头芬的故事好像我的恋情喔! 我和他在一起九个月了,刚开始的时候我们是那么的甜蜜,那么得开心。我们的朋友为我们感到开心,也觉得我们的恋情会长久,但我们还是败给了时间。虽然我们分手了,但我们现在还是很好的朋友, 我不会后悔接受这一段恋情,因为他, 我学会了很多东西。有时从情人变成了朋友不一定是件坏事, 如果做朋友能让你们俩开心点, 做一对开心的朋友吧!千万不要选择做一对不开心的恋人喔! 大头芬,加油!哭了一两次后,就别哭了!做一个勇敢的人吧!像我一样,记得别哭了。(: Ko said...

be friends doesnt mean a bad thing... be friend also can be a couple next time!! Dont cry!!! DTF not a cry gal.. is a happy gal Ko said...

be friends doesnt mean a bad thing... be friend also can be a couple next time!! Dont cry!!! DTF not a cry gal.. is a happy gal

GiGi Shuping said...

That very nite, Ah Toot must very 10 times, 100 times sadder... his heart must be crying, at the same time trying to be look happy without DTF seeing through his unhappiness...

He loves this gal alot, but just tt never express it well.

Sometimes can't help wondering hw come DTF keeps denying the fact tt she have feelings for Ah Toot before they went stead. Or my 6th sense wrong mah...? Ha! Ha!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

haha peifen jialat liaoz u have a bit of stress on how to continue the story... but nvm it's your story so just follow how u like it to go... we all will support anywayz! Ganbatte ne!

Anonymous said...

我之前也和一位很要好的朋友成了恋人。久了却发现我们所谓的恋情只不过是友情,自己好像没有真正的喜欢过他。当然也分手了。不过很遗憾,我们之间的友谊也到一个段落了。希望大头芬和 ah toot 不会和我一样吧。珍惜你们之间的友谊哦!加油!

Anonymous said...

sad ='[

Anonymous said...


bittergourd said...


Just as I expected, in the end you break up with Ah toot. Well, maybe in future, who knows what will happen, you will find that after many relationships, Ah toot is still your prince charming, and you will end up together again. Whatis commendable is that both of you can break up without any hostility or awkwardness in future.

Now, I think you have make the right decision, if in a relationahip, you are not willing to commit and you don't really like that person very much, breaking up is a better alternative than to quarrel over the slightest thing on Earth. In my opinion, maybe it is because both of you are too compatible that you ended up as friends and not lovers.

I don't know, somehow feel that the relationship have an abrupt start and so it ended in such a short period of time. Hope that both of you can get over it soon and remain as good friends. All the best.


In the end, I guessed many of us don't have high hopes for Ah toot and DTF's relationship thus you make them break up. The song played at the end was very suitable, especially the chorus. Thank you for another life lesson that break ups need not be carried in a hostile and hurtful manner, it can be peacefu and lovers need not be strangers in future when they break up. Looking forward to more exciting happenings in the world of DTF.

Anonymous said...

i experienced wat atoot experience before...
i confessed to a girl i like very much,
but she said tat it is better to be best friend...
i also didnt fell very sad,
i dont noe why...
maybe we really suitable to be friend...
but after tat,
we talk less then before...
even none...
when i meet her again,
i pretend to be nothing happen,
but my heart r very sad,
everyday thinking whether she take me as her best friend or not ...
as the us before...
dont noe ...
sui2 yuan2 ba...