Monday, November 13, 2006



接近中午的时候,我又接到一个SMS。是Ah Toot传来的。看了他的SMS,我还蛮惊讶的。他说,我是他在新加坡唯一的好朋友,所以决定请我到他家去玩。哇!我们也不是很熟,他竟然请我去他家?认识大奶彬快要2年,我都没有请她来过我的家,和Ah Toot近几个星期比较亲近,他这么快就请我去他的家。会不会很尴尬,很奇怪?我想了好久,决定还是不去比较好。

还没来得及拒绝Ah Toot,他又传了另一个SMS过来,说,“你不必觉得尴尬,我爸爸不在家,只有女佣和一只很可爱的狗。如果你肯来陪它玩,它一定会很开心的!”听说他的家有狗,我就心动了。其实,拒绝Ah Toot也不太好吧。于是,我答应去拜访。

Ah Toot说他住在碧山,我以为是那里的其中一个组屋单位。但,他给我的地址只有街名和号码,应该不是政府组屋,而是私人住宅。我到了碧山地铁站,就按照Ah Toot的指示打电话给他。Ah Toot说他在地铁站外面的马路旁等我,我便走出去找他。左看,右看都看不到Ah Toot。突然,听到响亮的车笛声,往声音的方向一看,看见Ah Toot站在一辆豪华轿车旁,兴奋地向我招手。

接下来发生的事情,好象偶像剧里的情节。我有点不知所措地上了车,Ah Toot向我介绍开车的司机叔叔,我彬彬有礼地对他挥了挥手,他也很亲切地对我微笑。虽然我不知道车子的品牌,但我可以肯定这不是一辆德士,而是一辆属于Ah Toot家人的很名贵的车子。我从来都没乘坐过这么宽敞舒服的车子。

Ah Toot看见我这么安静,有点关心地问,“你没事吧?”


Ah Toot也用我的手机回答我,说,“你是来我家拜访,又不是来拜年,穿那么美干吗?”


Ah Toot看了我的问题,迟疑了一下,然后回答,“我不知道我算不算有钱。但,我知道,这对于我们的友情并不重要。”

死Ah Toot。家这么大还说不知道自己有没有钱?!

Ah Toot的家并不在碧山,而是比较靠近汤申路。我下了车,看见眼前的美丽花园,差点吓呆了。花园旁边还有四个停车位,但只有三辆车,其中一辆是我们刚刚乘坐的,另外还有一辆鲜红色的跑车,不知道叫什么,就是牌子上有一只黑马的那个。另外一辆车我比较喜欢,因为很可爱,像一辆玩具车,而且是浅蓝色的,很漂亮。

突然听见狗的叫声,然后就看见一只金黄色的大狗奔向Ah Toot,好象是要扑在他身上,但因为看见我,又摇着尾巴快乐地跑到我身旁,开始好奇地闻我的脚。


伟伟真可爱!我梦想拥有的,就是象伟伟一样的宠物。真羡慕Ah Toot。

走进Ah Toot家大门,我又吓了一跳。从来没想过,一个人的家可以这么大,这么豪华。我看,Ah Toot的客厅比我整个家还要大吧?客厅里除了摆放很多看起来很昂贵的家具外,还有很多照片。照片多数是Ah Toot小时候拍的,我发现几乎每一张照片里都有一位又高又瘦的中年男人,那应该是Ah Toot的爸爸吧。另外,还有一位很漂亮的长发妇女,我想,她就是Ah Toot的妈妈。如果不是Ah Toot事先跟我说他妈妈几年前已经去世,看着这些照片,我还以为他妈妈还活着。也许,摆放照片的目的,就是要营造这样的一种感觉,让Ah Toot的妈妈可以永远生活在他们的家里。

“带你参观我的房间。” Ah Toot开心地说,站在客厅角落的楼梯口向我招手。我们爬了两层楼,终于到了三楼Ah Toot的房间。活了14年,这是我第一次拜访有多大三层楼的住家。

“等一下,我们还可以去四楼的影音房看一部电影!” Ah Toot又兴奋地对我说。什么?!楼上还有电影院?太夸张了吧!

Ah Toot的房间虽然很大,但并没有客厅那么豪华。这里有床,有零乱的书桌,还有熟悉的电脑,比较普通,我比较能习惯。


Ah Toot竟然猜得到我心里在想什么,他说,“你是不是怪我没告诉你我的真实家境?对不起,我不是故意的。只是不知道怎么说啊。难道无缘无故就走到你面前,跟你说 ‘喂,我很有钱!’吗?”

看见他夸张的扮演,我忍不住笑了。我们在Ah Toot的房间里聊了好久,他把童年时的照片都拿出来给我看,还跟我说了很多在台北生活的有趣故事。我也把小时候的一些难忘经历和他分享。想不到我们来自截然不同的背景,却还可以聊得那么痛快。聊完天,我们就到楼上的迷你电影院,和伟伟一起看了一部叫Cars的卡通片。

回家前,Ah Toot还说下次来记得带泳衣,这样就可以到后院的泳池游泳。哇。我看我需要至少一个星期的时间,才能参观完Ah Toot的家。

今天在Ah Toot的家虽然过得很愉快,却也让我觉得富裕的生活不是我所向往的。Ah Toot拥有一切金钱可以买到的东西,却留不住最亲爱的母亲。在他的家里,我想我会迷路。这么大的家,却只有Ah Toot和他爸爸,还有两位女佣。不会觉得寂寞空虚吗?而且,可怜的女佣们,这么大的住家,一定很难清理!这么虚幻的生活,对我来说好遥远,我应该没办法适应吧。


flub said...

看来这位Ah Toot的来头可不小哦。
故事到此的发展让我暂时认为Ah Toot对于大头芬只是在于朋友的关系而已。还没对大头芬产生感情来吧。因为Ah Toot没什么朋友也没有兄弟姐妹,而又和大头芬那么谈得来,所以就常常找她吧。不过,Ah Toot的家业未免夸张了点吧。真有那么大的屋子吗?而且还会让大头芬觉得会迷路哦。嘻嘻~


MaoQuan (茂铨) said...

wow...tis ah toot quite rich worx..heex..but the house seem a bit too big le ba...really that big till fourth level??? envy that i could have that kind of house...but it is true that he able to have everything...but he unable to have mother's love n friendship...i very envy ah toot that he got everything...but very pity him that he lost him mum at such a young age and also unable to make friends in school...but he was a good friend overall...heeex...

SLSS 4D said...


Xiao Feng said...

Ah toot suddenly becomes Prince Charming. Haa. Which means datoufen may have the chance to become gong zhu soon. Kidding la. Hmmm money really cant buy everything in the world. Definitely not love or friendship.

Anonymous said...


A suggestion for your DTF's world.

For the next installment, you can have your parents grumbling:

"GST going up again! Prices for everything increased, only the wages never increase!"

Anonymous said...

i think ah toot is quite a sensible and matured person for his age.. at least he never flaunt his wealth, unlike some of the rich men's kids that u see so often in schools.. showing off their latest branded stuff, looking down on other poorer classmates etc..

if he had revealed that he lives in a big house, and has a personal chauffeur, there would definitely be a lot of ppl who want to be his friend cos he's rich.. maybe that's why he never told datoufen in the first place.. so datoufen mustn't be so angry with ah toot, ya? :)

Anonymous said...

Ah Toot 可真有钱哦。有钱归有钱可是为什么他没有朋友呢真可怜哦。这么大的房子可真令人羡慕,大到四楼。

Anonymous said...

哈哈,有钱归有钱。可是和ah toot这种思想成熟的人做个朋友也不错嘛。至少他会名白事理。也不会看不起我们这种比较没钱的人。和他做情人也不赖。

Fizh said...

I think is better for ah toot to stay unknown for his wealth... if not da tou fen would not get to know him in the first place... if not later will have people come fight with da tou fen for ah toot one... then like that no good liao...
lets hope ah toot and da tou fen gets together... the two of them will sounds so cute!!!

hardworking slacker said...

how cum call such a rich person ah toot? he where gt toot? he like quite clever de leh...heehee
if next yr the four of them were to be in the same class, maybe can improve their relationship by putting them in same grp, for things like.... science practical??

Anonymous said...

听到你这句话,"这么虚幻的生活,对我来说好遥远,我应该没办法适应吧。" 我有点担心. 你不会因此而不要跟他交往吧.

我想他因为可能怕你这样想,所以没把他真实家境告诉你. 你千万别抛弃他啊...

Anonymous said...

whoa. Ah toot very rich. i think you two be very good friends is good too. and you, da na bin and tian cai qin can still remain good friends why think that much? gd luck! jia you.

Anonymous said...


how can the dog be only 2 yrs old when it is given to ah toot when he is 12 yrs old? i thought ah toot is 16 yrs old? the dog should be 4 yrs old instead of 2 yrs old ba..

Anonymous said...

Maybe Ah Toot doesn't want DTF to be his friend purely because of his money leh? Maybe he wants DTF to have a friendship not based on $ right?

Dreamingeve0110 said...

Hi Peifen~ I reali like ur story of Datuofen~ Now the story gettin more n more interesting~ Haha~
Yuan lai Ah toot so rich one ah~ but just like wat ah toot said~ No matter he rich anot, it doesnt makes any diff to their frenship~
Btw where is that TianchaiQin? Now wooin ger then didnt even bother to find datuofen le ah? He nv wonder y she so long nv online where had she gone to ma? So bad of him~

Evil Care Bear said...

This is the 2nd time I listen to this story. Nice. Discover this story yesterday when I was listening to the radio. Cool! Looking forward to more interesting entries.

Unknown said...

cool! a blog from 933 :P

now when i'm free i'll have another blog to read about! :P

thanks pei fen jiejie! :P

Anonymous said...

Hi Pei Fen, this is the first time I'm leaving my comment here oh. Hmm. Ah Toot seems like a very nice guy. So envy of him. datoufen so lucky to have a friend like him.

Anonymous said...

选阿 TooT 吧!!Haha.. ^_^

也许我妈说得对.. 被爱是莘福的..

不过,我想阿TooT 对大头芬在这阶段还是纯友谊..
以后就很难说… 大头芬, 慢慢来!!

What seems right may not be right at the end of the day.
What seems wrong may not be wrong at the end of the day either.

Anonymous said...


很喜欢大头芬的世界, 故事越来越精彩了。你说得对,让听众去想象故事主人翁的长相,比较有趣。我喜欢大头芬的直率,善良性格,和An Toot 的含蓄,在适当的时候出现在大头芬身边,鼓励与关心她。

要加油哦,我期待大头芬的世界里,发生更多更精彩的故事!Kampatei nei!

GiGi Shuping said...

If Ah Toot's Dad want Ah Toot to go oversea for study, maybe 大头芬 will then start to figure out her feelings for Ah Toot, this most important person (other than her family) in her life...

宅男Cheng Keat said...

Ah Toot got $$$ and very cute

宅男Cheng Keat said...

Ah Toot got Money and very cute

PiNkPiG said...

Wow! Ah Toot's house is my dream house!He is so lucky!

Anonymous said...

I don't know... but Ah Toot probably isn't as happy as he looks on the surface. I hope he will find someone he can open up with cause if he doesn't, he will miss out a lot of things in life. Things that money can't buy... ...

As for Da Tou Fen... I just feel that she has to face reality. She can't go on avoiding both Da Nai Bing and Tian Cai Qing forever. School holidays will only last that long.

This is life... Setbacks, difficult moments, it is all there to help you grow. Still, i hope that Da Tou Fen will go on to be a great person in life in the future.

Anonymous said...

Wow ah Toot so rich ,house so big .
Still 能静静听你的心事! instead of saying u r wery noisy Ah Toot reali a gd guy

Anonymous said...

wah. ah toot so rich de worhs.but the house is described until like too exaggerating.4 levels including mini cinema,bedroom and 2nd floor don't know have what,maybe master bedroom? and living room bigger than da tou fen's derh whole house? wah.. if i could have that kind of house good lo.maybe can share with ah toot?hahas. can ask him..HAHA.but the sad thing was he lost his mother worhs. sobs.pitiful boy.But at least got such a good friends like da tou fen and his dog.pei feng rocks!

Anonymous said...

When choosing boy/girlfriends or husbands/wives, you need to open your eyes wide.

While you can spend the rest of your life with a human, you can't do the same with a beast!

Even you have already registered for a HDB flat, you should choose to forfeit the deposit rather than to continue with the mistake!

Anonymous said...

Seems this story becomes more interesting. Eager to know what will happen in its the end story. Introduce myself, I am an Indonesian. I am Mandarin literate. So if sometimes i missed "da tou fen" story in Yes 933, i can read from "da tou fen" blog. Pei Fen jia you :)

Anonymous said...

hello 佩芬..dis ish muii 1st tym leaving muii comment here..haha..

waaa..ah toot so rich wor..but..
i tink although ah toot ish rich..he seems berii lonely and pitiful cuz his mum has pass awae le...
try considering ah toot may b a better choice bahx..
however...i tink if eu wib 天才庆 ish oso nort a bad idea bahx..

aniwae 佩芬 jia you.. :]

Anonymous said...

haha yah ahtoot suddenly become prince charming?!=D mm but in the first place he was called ahtoot coz he looks toot, no? can go for makeover=D
hmm yahlo maybe can say his dad want him to go overseas study den got nice story=)

Anonymous said...

像ah toot 这么好的男生,我好像也爱上他了呀。我也好希望在我的生命里能有像ah toot 这种人出现。seriously!!!!

Too bad for me, it haven't happened yet. And somehow feel like it won't even happened at all.

Anonymous said...

haix...suddenly jue de ah toot tiao jian quite good nort in dhat sense dhat he ish rich but at least he listens to whad datoufen says...ah toot so good to datoufen give her chocolate...
peifen..ur story ish getting beta and beta!!!u shud like ah toot halfway thru derh year need to go overseas(his ahpa wan der) dhen ah toot ask datoufen whether she like him anorts...if she like dhen ah toot will stay. but dtf sae she dun like...dhen ah toot at airport dhat time she sae i like lors...WAHHH so fairytale...nah...

Anonymous said...

Wow i heard abt this blog today on yes933. Heard the latest entry being read out, i was addicted and couldn't wait to get home to read the whole story! This story kinda of reminds me of my sec sch days though! Nice blog n will add to my favourites! :)

Anonymous said...


Wow! Ah toot is so rich and mature, not at all "toot". His name is JunHui rite? Perhaps let ah toot this name be known to u only and let the others call him jun hui, like that u will be a special friend to jun hui.

Well, though he is rich, mature, kind and reserved, he dun seem happy. Like those 忧郁少爷 in the 偶像剧, need u to help him open up. Well, I dun believe in puppy love ending up in marriage, Many people talk about love between secondary school students, actually it is just a form of BGR not love really.

When u grow up, perhaps u will feel so silly of the time you are secretly admiring TCQ. My opinion is that dtf will have a memora 初恋, whether the guy is ah toot doesn't matter.

Boy and girl need not be in relationship, they can be really great friends. Maybe you will not like either Ah toot and TCQ in the end.


You did a great job of describing how rich ah toot is. Have you been to such houses? I know that there are such luxurious houses but I haven't been to one yet. Anyway, dun be too bothered by some viewer's comments. DTF is a fictitious character and it is not that important how big the house is. The important thing is how dtf and ah toot got to know each other better and slowly including him in your activities with friends.

Lastly, hope that u can tell about some interesting incidents during dtf's holidays. Jia you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Peifen,

Dunno if u know about a camp called Superteen camp. It is a 3 days camp held for secondary school students during the holidays. I was lucky to be in the camp on November in the year 2000 when I was Sec 3.

I got to go to the camp as my school is able to let us use our edusave for the course. It costs about $80 per student and the two lecturers are Mr Adam Khoo and Mr Ernest Wong.

In the duration of the camp, we learned how to construct spidergrams, which are actually mindmaps. We also learn about goal setting, speed reading and creating mnemoincs.

It is really interactive and enriching.If dtf and accompany could go for such course, then their holidays won't be just homework and play, they learn something meaningful.

Well, just a suggestion, anyway, I feel that Since dtf is in Sec 3 next year, might as well learn something useful. It is just 3 days. I dunno if the fee is still that affordable and whether they still provide camps to secondary school students. However, it is a memorable experience for me.

Looking forward to hearing more interesting things in your next show.

Gnixy said...

wa..ah toot quite rich wor..
actually..VRY RICH..
he rich ,sweet and caring..wa...
can consider wor...
hope datoufen & ah toot can b together...
but sadly..peifen say tt mayb no happily ever after de ending..
peifen so bad wor...
dun wan tell hu ah toot de voice belong to...
peifen..mayb can go find publisher..den publish book..
i confirm buy de!!! i ur loyal fan wor..n other listener / readers..
lol..mayb can oso go publish magazine!!..wahaha..
lol..tink i dream too much liao..
anyways..DTF & peifen must gambatte wor!!!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hello (: this blog rocks la. can let mi catch up on those parts i've missed! DTF's world rocks!!

Anonymous said...

哇! Ah Toot 好 COOL worx! seems like things are goin more interesting! its really like 偶像剧的情节.. well.. its not important if he is very rich anot.. i agree wib wad he sae.." 我不知道这算不算很有钱.但是我只知道真跟我们的友谊没有关系" so.. fen.. dun let such small matters "disturb" ur frendship wib Ah Toot!

Back to abt 大奶彬.. dun brood over anymore lah..i noe its really difficult to face them but can u hide from them forever? wads more u have Ah Toot wib u.. so no worries! =P

Anonymous said...

我想ah toot应该怕大头芬不要和他做朋友才不和大头芬说的

Anonymous said...

Ah Toot is very humble person.

Should Da Tou Fen get together, the story should get to a very happy relationship.

How can Tian Cai Qin and Da Na Ping never even contact Da Tou Fen during the two days. They are her good frenz leh.

Love this program, even if I miss the night session I'm sure to listen to the repeat session in the next morning.

Anonymous said...

下一个故事可能放 Ah Toot向大头芬慢慢的表明他的心意给大头芬或者可以让大头芬和大奶彬变成好朋友把天才庆的事情给忘了。


Yee Pei said...

well...maybe you can try to touch on topics regarding the fa zhan between fen and toot!!!that's going to be quite funny and interesting...


关于AH TOOT的猜想,有以下几点依据:1.男性 2.来自台湾 3.大头芬的世界的主要人物都来自于933的DJ. SO, AH TOOT 是来自于台湾的933的男性DJ. 所以我猜AH TOOT是李腾...不过因为声音好像不太象... 所以,不是十分肯定...

PS:关于迪雅, 她真的好象是你的学妹,你也是华初毕业的吧;)

Anonymous said...

写的很不错啊!一波三折,用天才庆离开视线和Ah Toot的介入,合乎情理的把主人公和Ah Toot故意写到一起,不过,这样好像有些...把Ah Toot说的太好也许会使大家产生大头芬好像是因为money才跟Ah Toot走的如此的进,不过,也更增加了Ah Toot的筹码,到底是水到渠成还是痴心绝对呢?会不会因为心中仍存余情而和大奶彬走到山穷水尽的地步?很多很多的悬念。还是以后来个sms交流平台?因为现在只能用手机了...好多好多的好想法都没办法送上来...惨..希望佩芬加加加加加加U!!!

sp said...


Anonymous said...



可是我希望大头芬不会因为失去了天才庆而和Ah Toot 在一起。。这样会对Ah Toot 不公平。。千万不要把Ah Toot 当作后备轮胎哦。。


请 click 我的 url. 谢谢 =)

l0stwith0ut said...

ah toot is like a inpirational person that teaches datoufen in her life...i would like to have a friend like him too...that is the quality that what a friend should have =)

Unknown said...



Unknown said...



Anonymous said...

I also have a frenz who live in such house around town area. Indeed it's a huge house, i even lost my way to the washroom.

sihui said...

hey peifen! i think it's nice that ah toot invited datoufen to his house, shows that he's comfortable enough to be willing to let datoufen know more about his life. But i guess both of them should just remain friends first coz it seems like everything is happening too fast. Initially, datoufen likes tiancaiqing, then tiancaiqing confesses he likes danaibing, and now datoufen is sad but is glad to have ah toot by her side. Too much things happening too fast isnt very good i think. maybe datoufen and ah toot can remain friends for some time and get to know each other better?

A suggestion though, the 4 characters can go out together more often. Then they can get to know one another better and the awkwardness of only a 2-person outing can be eliminated. Maybe through this, the characters can have a clearer idea of who they really like. another sense, the story can be prolonged. haha.. like korean dramas. :))

Anyways DTF's world is really quite well done since it started, so keep it up!

Anonymous said...

wah.. the storyline is getting better and better... just that i think the audience are streamlining for you the future le.. like datoufen with ah toot, then bin and qing together... *lol*
as you said, there's no ending for this story as it's like everyday's life mah.. so now let's sit back and wait for you to reveal their future to us.


shen_mi_ren said...

hi da dou fen!!
nice story ya... jia you woR!!

欣蒂雷拉 said...

我希望ah toot跟大头芬能渐渐从好朋友变情人,在对方不知不觉中喜欢上彼此。。


Anonymous said...

哇大头芬is so lucky 傻人有傻福。。。 我好羡慕哦。。。dun care about that stupid 天才庆liao... ah toot is so much better... really like 偶像剧woah... 祝大头芬幸福。。。


nice (:


大头芬 is so lucky! (:


i think ah toot , datoufen,da nai bin is very good :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
