Saturday, November 11, 2006





星期三,当大奶彬在快餐店告诉我天才庆喜欢她时,我真的好象是被打了一巴掌,整个人愣在那里,感觉惊讶,还有点羞耻和自卑。幸好Ah Toot刚巧在对的时刻传了SMS给我,才让我有机会找借口离开。对了,我还没回他的SMS。这两天我没开手机,害怕他们会SMS或打电话给我。

我想到房间去拿手机,却差点站不起来。天啊。我从来没那么虚弱。我是不是忘了吃东西?现在是下午4点多,从早上到现在,好象很久没吃东西了。可是肚子又不饿,吃不下。终于站稳后,我一步一步慢慢走进房间,启动手机,然后开始找Ah Toot星期三传给我的SMS。还没找到,手机的SMS铃声响了。一声。两声。三声。四声。SMS信箱里这四个新的SMS,都是Ah Toot传来的。





看见Ah Toot的这些SMS,我不知道为什么,眼泪不停地流。也许是因为他的关怀而感动。也可能是因为大奶彬和天才庆连一个SMS都没想要传给我而伤心。又或者是睡眠不足,缺乏饮食,造成情绪极度不稳定。我无助地坐在床边,手里还紧握着手机,哭了不知道多久。

哭完后,也许是想到那盒巧克力,我突然很想见Ah Toot。于是,我SMS他,“对不起,这两天发生了一些事情,让我心情很不好。谢谢你的关心,看到你的SMS,我的心情也好了一些。我现在很想吃好吃的巧克力,可以吗?”

过了一下子,就收到Ah Toot的回答,“OK!我们一个小时后在东海岸公园见!”

看得出,他很兴奋。Ah Toot的人真好,他住在碧山,却因为我住靠近东海岸,而不介意大老远跑到这里来找我。

到了东海岸公园,我看见Ah Toot双手拿着巧克力盒子,站在快餐店外四处张望。当他看见我时,就开心地向我招手。他穿着一件深蓝色的短袖衬衫,看起来有一点太大,可能是因为他太瘦了。配上退色的牛仔裤,白色的球鞋,和整齐的短发,Ah Toot今天一点都不土,戴着眼睛的他竟然有种斯文的帅气。



我们静静地散步,走了好长的一段路,走累了,便在一个亭子下休息。让我觉得蛮奇妙的是,我们虽然好久好久都没说一句话,可是我完全不会觉得尴尬,反而感到心情特别平静,很舒服。Ah Toot坐了一下,开口问,“喂,巧克力再不吃,就要溶化了,那就不好吃了哦。”

我向他点了点头,我们便开始快乐地吃着甜甜香浓的巧克力。我拿起包装盒子,念出印在盒子上的英文字,“Finest Swiss Chocolates”。哇,来自瑞士的巧克力!Ah Toot说他爸爸刚从外国回来,买了这盒巧克力。也就是说,Ah Toot的爸爸刚去的是瑞士?我很好奇,便问,“你爸爸刚去瑞士吗?”

Ah Toot回答,“对啊。我去年学校假期时也去过啊。瑞士很美,有机会你也应该去那里游玩。”

突然觉得Ah Toot应该是很富有的。我从来都没有把Ah Toot当作有钱人,因为他并没有身穿名牌,或摆任何有钱人的架子,再加上我和Ah Toot这么谈得来,我就一直以为他的家庭背景和我差不多。很想问他是不是有钱少爷,可是直接问好像很奇怪。

“你又在发呆了。” Ah Toot笑着说。“是不是有心事?我愿意和你分担。”

我把天才庆和大奶彬的事告诉Ah Toot,可是并没有说我暗恋天才庆。Ah Toot听了我的故事,说,“所以你害怕你的两个好朋友会渐渐冷落你,而你跟他们在一起会觉得自己好像电灯泡?”说真的,这些问题我还没想到,经Ah Toot这么一说,我的心又沉重起来了。

Ah Toot继续说,“有些事是我们无法控制和改变的。太执著,会让自己更难过。所以,随着成长,我们也应该学习放得开。”

听了Ah Toot的话,我忍不住说,“你的思想好成熟,一点都不像14岁的男生。”

Ah Toot看着我,说,“你说的没错。我今年16岁,比你大两年。” 他解释,他来自台北,国小三年级时妈妈重病去逝了,爸爸很伤心,不想留在台北,因为台北的一切都让他想起过逝的妻子。于是,Ah Toot便和爸爸移居到新加坡。刚来新加坡的Ah Toot对一切都很不习惯,那时的他还过得蛮痛苦的。“升上中学,班上的同学都把我当乡下佬看待,所以都不跟我做朋友。我还以为自己的中学生涯会很孤单,不过,还好遇见了你。”

Ah Toot的这番话,让我很感动,却也有很多感触。我的问题和他曾经面对过的一切相比,实在是太渺小,太不值得伤心难过了。


Unknown said...

这个entry很帅!Ah Toot果然是一个很好的男生。人家这么关心你,大头芬:你应给怎么回报他?抱抱一下…可能让你会知道他能不能给你温暖 :) 或者这样会发展的太快…haha…

应该慢慢灯下一次的entry…为什么不可以从星期一到星期五多播放呢?太好听了!近期都忙着准备A Level的考试,常常错失了听节目的时间。要等好久Podcast才有的听。



:) Wish me luck for A ok? Haha..After A一定不会忘了听你的节目!

Anonymous said...

ah toot is such a sweet guy! willing to rush down to east coast park just to meet da tou fen!

yes da tou fen shld consider ah toot since she feels so comfortable with him and she can talk so freely with him, even sharing with him what's troubling her!

keep it up!


Xiao Feng said...

从这几则sms,可以看得出来Ah toot真得很关心大头芬。对我喜欢的女生,我也会不自觉地寄一两则sms来问候她,而不知道她对我的感觉时,也会因为害怕自己的主动会令她反感而说“如果你觉得我烦的话,我就不会再烦你了。”

haha.我觉得他在sms里,为你设想得很周到wor.hmmm,男生在喜欢女生时,往往对她的一言一语都很关心,也怕说错话,ah toot 是一个很好的例子。难道真的确定ah toot 已经中了大头芬的“毒”了吗??

而且跟大头芬见面时,Ah toot 还特意在自己的穿着下了苦功。自己有好吃的东西时,还会第一想到要和你分享。也许是他特意托他的爸爸买巧克力回给他因为她知道你特别喜欢吃。

ah toot 真是一个不错的人选。人即体贴,细心,成熟,也会设身处地为其他人着想。

大头芬你觉得呢??Hee. =)

MaoQuan (茂铨) said...

ah toot is a gd guy...he is quite caring la...4 the sake of u den rush to east coast...not bad leh...seldom guys would wan to do tis...cos my female classmate told mi some of their examples...lolx...hmmm...when i heard tis post when u read it out through the radio broadcast de shi hou...i suddenly feel kinda of strange...i cant explain out bahx..jus tt abit emotional lo...lolx...


flub said...


嗯~ 还好大头芬有想到Ah Toot。而感觉Ah Toot的人很不错哦。看到他所发给大头芬的简讯,就觉得他似乎很关心和在乎大头芬哦。他的简讯都会让人感到祸心哦。想必大头芬应该有些许的感动到吧。也许Ah Toot对大头芬有意思?呵呵~

Ah Toot算是个很好倾吐心事的人选哦。他的思想都很成熟,而且说的都蛮有道理的。我想在这段假期,两人的感情应该会有进展吧。

很期待大头芬和Ah Toot在这假期里的相处哦!加油哦!

Anonymous said...

oooo 知道 Ah Toot 的故事后我觉得大头芬选择他会比较好耶! 哈哈。能找到一个才16岁却又这么明白事理的男生可不容易哦。不错不错。 hmmm. =D

Faith said...

ah toot not bad. can consider him.. and when u sad. dun eat chocolate. will fat! hahs.. why dun u change this habit to.... go window shopping. =) or if u sad den u do lyk wad the tv programme always do. shout towards the east coast.. since u live near dere. hahs. or u could go jogging? lols. take cares=)

Anonymous said...


HanChong said...

昨晚听是我第一次听大头芬的世界,听完之后,觉得很感动,说实在的Ah Toot真的是个很好的人.

Anonymous said...

This story makes Ah-Toot Looks so so COOL leh... *+2 for Ah-toot!!!**

Can feel that ah-tto is very concern abt 大头芬.

But will be develop to the stage whereby 大头芬 just take ah-tto like a Big Brother only while Ah-toot likes 大头芬...... lets hope not ba.. *Pray pray**

we have to have for Peifen leh hahah

Ganbatte Peifen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Gambatte Pei Fen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Da tou Fen ^^ Ah toot~

Anonymous said...

so cool!! i like this entry very very much. very heart warming. i think DTF shouldnt be so bothered by TCQ or DNB. ah toot is a better choice!!

hopeless said...

lolz... ah toot not so toot afterall... jia you ah toot...! woo datoufen...

Anonymous said...

I feel extremely envy of datoufen.
I wish i got someone like ah toot by my side too.

Anonymous said...


Whoa! Such a nice guy showing so much concern for your well being. Perhaps he is just shy to make friends, not that 'toot' afterall. Perhaps through you, ah toot can open up to others and grow up to be a fine gentleman.

Now that we know ah toot has such good qualities, I believe like many listeners has predicted, ah toot will be more suitable for you. Not that tcq is not good just that he is a bit immature in his thinking.

Looking forward to hearing more about ah toot and you having more interaction.


You really did a great job in creating the characters, they are so unique and there is not one character that is extremely unbearable. Jia you and hope that this show can continue till dtf becomes an adult!

一粒蛋(elaine egg) said...

ah toot very now this story is jux e start of the 高潮, therefor if so fast gt a gd ending den nt fun liao..i believen u can write a longer n nice story out of it..and i agreen with sme other say tt if u write book urslef i will support..keep up the gd work..

Anonymous said...

haha, does anybody knows why AhToot is called AhToot in the first place? i mean, his real name isn't that right?

or maybe its because i missed out on the first few broadcasts.

& i thought that ahtoot should feel sad in that few days when datoufen didn't reply him. if its me, i would also think that im irritating. haha.

Anonymous said...

I have the same feeling as da tou fen when the year ends for her at secondary 2 although i only primary 5. A lot of my best friend all seperate from the primary 5 class.

Anonymous said...

i think da tou fen will end up wif ahtoot cuz ah toot is so sweet!!hahax...but anyway...i think tian chai ching will end up wif da nai bing..i think this is a cinderella the end..da tou fen will become the sweet!!!

Anonymous said...

i cant wait for the next update :)

Anonymous said...

Ah Toot 很 sweet! *Melts* 大头芬,接受他吧!I can also understand how 大头芬 felt when her 2 best friends never send her any sms. Aww ~* No worries. There's still Ah Toot to the rescue!

Anonymous said...

大头芬的世界实在好听!!有没有可能出版大头芬的世界的漫画呢?想必一定会很有搜获!非常好奇大头芬,大奶彬,天才庆,ahtoot, 等等的外表。 哈哈

Gnixy said...

ah toot so SWEET~~...
da tou fen so lucky...
cant w8 for the next entry...
sobsob...sadly,i missed the show agn...haiish~
i wonder hu play
nvm =.="
anyways..DTF..gambatte wor..

CHAI LENG said...

after listening to this latest story, i felt that da tou fen is very lucky to have such a friend.however,although i want da tou fen and ah toot to be together,but i feel that da tou fen don't have feeling for ah toot at the end of the story,i guess,all 4 of them would not be together.thats what i predicted but i hope its not true.the story still lies with peifen. so jiayou peifen! must make the story to the climax!make everyone had an unforgetable time.thumb up for you!

Anonymous said...

当我心情低落的时候,最需要的就是有人一直在身边陪着我,关心我。我想,大头芬也应该如此吧。Ah Toot 可以多花一点时间陪陪大头芬,让她好过些。我觉得大头芬和 Ah Toot 可以一起去参加一些活动, 譬如,露营什么的。一旦大头芬生活忙碌了,她就没这个空闲去想那些伤心事了。这样一来, Ah Toot 和大头芬的感情也能再增一层了。 好期待哦!!
p.s. 但这样, Ah Toot 算不算是趁虚而入呢 ? 

Anonymous said...

ahtoot is nice! but a bit too much like.. like good fren lor=S mm but sometimes even if the guy is good doesnt mean the girl will like him? hahah like all the ou xiang jus will always have a nice guy whose love is not reciprocrated de. if tgt den no story liao ar haha lets see ba. keep gg! (:

PiNkPiG said...

Haha!大头芬should be wif Ah Toot!He is veri nice n caring!Maybe he suits 大头芬

Anonymous said...

hi way of de-stress is to eat chocolates

BenZ said...

After hearing what Ah Toot had said to you, I guess you're not sad anymore. You see, Ah Toot so good to. In fact, he is so good until you wept for him, sort of. Go go go! Go for Ah Toot! Don't judge books by its covers only. Its the inside that matters, outside can slowly change de sure no problem. But once inside not good, its going to be even tougher to change its outside. Ah Toot & you very compatible de.

Paz said...

大头芬!醒醒啊!这么好的Ah toot就在眼前。大头芬太幸福了。


要加油喔!Go go 加油! =D

Peifen 更要加油家喔! ^^


PS : Yes 933 RockZ!

Anonymous said...

不错哦!我喜欢Ah Toot这样对大头芬的安慰...有一种说不出的...哈哈...不会形容,可能是那句"让我一起分担吧",对,很感动,真的。呃...其实我是最近才开始收听大头芬的...很好哦!佩芬,加油...^^

Anonymous said...

ha ha !so good!gambate...

Anonymous said...

story getting more interesting nice and long.ah toot is a real nice and caring guy.when a guy likes a gal,he's willing to do anything for tt person.i'm nt surprised by his action.DTF must cheer up.dis is a holiday.must enjoy it.go out more often n not be cooped up at home.

towards DNB and TCQ,hope u'll patch up wif dem.they're good frens after all.must leave a gd memory for her sec sch days.does DNB like TCQ?if not TCQ will becum sad n go thru wad DTF went thru.den DTF,being a good fren,can go comfort him =p

DTF can hang out more wif Ah Toot and den we can see how she feel towards ah toot.try to get e four of dem tgt as a grp and do some activities such as ice skating?some holiday programme?haha.that can be a gd idea for many havin sch holiday now.

like dis programme bery comments oso longer.haha.sorry for that.continue to jiayou lots k?i'll support ur book or cd(like yin yue ri ji)if there's any too! =)

candy floss____* said...

帅呆了! 阿 toot! 大头芬好男人难找啊!要好好珍惜 啊 toot! 不要等失去后才后悔。。。加油!加油!

Anonymous said...

Ah Toot 人很好啊!竟然会从碧山的老家赶下来, 只为了送巧克力.大头芬应该会很感动.但是希望她只对Ah Toot有朋友之情.希望Ah Toot在帮大头芬复合伤口的时候,不要被弄伤.

ahdee said...

nice and long entry... so nice... :)

ah toot maybe can go cycle or blade with 大头芬. Hanging out with friends is definitely the best way for you to forget all your troubles.

jia you oh!

Anonymous said...

Ah Toot is such a nice guy!!! Da tou fen should consider him :)

To peifen: You asked which method did we used to relaxed ourselves when we faced problems.

As for me, when I have problems.I will keep myself busy. Such as cleaning up the house, watch tv, read a book, catch up with friends. Soon...I will forget all those problems.

Anonymous said...

我读了那么多留言,觉得你们好象很 encourage 大头芬接受 Ah Toot。。

可是在这个时候接受 Ah Toot, 有一点把 Ah Toot 当作后备轮胎。。 这样对大头芬和 Ah Toot 很不公平。。尤其是 Ah Toot

试想想, 如果有一天大头芬跟 Ah Toot 在一起。后来发现她其实不爱Ah Toot。 Woah Ah Toot 好可怜哦。。。 :'(

Anonymous said...

Ah toot care abt 大头芬 so much...he did not even open the chocolate, instead waiting for her to eat...

mayb there can be a twist in the storyline like ah toot actually want to make use of 大头芬 to get close to 大奶彬..den 大头芬 will be doublely sad

Anonymous said...

ah toot is such a nice guy.. i think da tou fen shld really consider him.. care so much about her.. hope they can get together.. jia you!

Anonymous said...

虽然ah toot对大头芬很好,但是我觉得大头芬应该问自己到底喜不喜欢ah toot。

现在说ah toot是好男人还言之过早。要等到接下来的故事情节的发展,我们才能断定ah toot是否适合大头芬。



snowgalz said...

Dear datoufen,

i think datoufen already abit fall in love with ah toot when datoufen received the sms becoz there is someone still care about her when she was so sad.ah toot care maybe have already touch datoufen's heart and only datoufen's hurt heart still don't get it...

i can see datoufen like ah toot becoz when she see ah toot at eastcoast she think of ah toot is"Ah Toot今天一点都不土,戴着眼睛的他竟然有种斯文的帅气。"and when datoufen fell in love with tian cai qing there was also a post that datoufen think good about TCQ so maybe datoufen already fell in love with ah toot in that split sec le...

if can i really wish ah toot would be same like TCQ 表白to DNB表白to datoufen oneday.......

Dear peifen,

i agree with womenkill007 write this blog into a book if it is in comic form it would be the best.....look forward for your next post....all the best peifen gogogo....

by snowgalz

Anonymous said...

大头芬和ah toot 的友情好单纯,好可爱哦。觉得他们俩也有可能只是很要好的异性朋友!谁说男生和女生只能成为男女朋友呢?我相信男女之间也能存有单纯的友情!

要进一步了解对方,才能确定对方是真正的属于自己,适合自己,不是吗?不如来一个double date?? 哈哈。。


Anonymous said...

omg Ah Toot is so cute. can't wait till monday's entry.

Da Tou Fen, sometimes it's quite important to open your eyes BIG. cannot head big (no offence) eyes not big lehs. there are still better guys than Tian Cai Qing, like Ah Toot. can't u see, he's so caring to u.

but i understand that feeling. i once was like this. just can't forget. think that he's the only one. but we've to learn to give up. you're still young. and don't say urself not beautiful. listening to ur voice, i think u're v cute! hahas!

anyway, keep yourself busy. last time i'm also like u. so i'll try not to think so much. and keep myself busy. spend time with my friends (probably u can spend more time with ur gd fren Ah Toot). or probably get a part time job!

Anonymous said...

hahahas. now having o lvls. ending in five more daes time.

but pei fen, i'll still listen to ur program. i love "da tou fen de shi jie". really really hao3 bang4 wor! jiayou!

Anonymous said...

Im really getting "hooked" on ur posts! every alternate daes will come n read! Its gettin interesting! 看过今天的post 以后 especially the part where Ah Toot keep on SMS u to concern abt u im really gettin so 羡慕!我很羡慕你有一个那么关心你的男生。。 While im reading that part.. i was thinkin back how wish the guy dat i gave the 小手工艺品 to will concern abt me in this manner too!

Aniwaes.. 不要一直消沉下去。。打起精神来! 加油!!加油!! =D

GiGi Shuping said...

It's really a very romantic & touching story. I almost cried into tears when read about the part on four unexpected SMS messages each day. Still saving the chocolate for her on the next day... If I were her, I should be very happy tt there's someone out there (even as a frd) is thinking of her everyday... You noe wat I mean? It sounds soOOooo 好幸福wor!!!

Also reading on, it seems like a almost perfect cinderalla story. Although I don't know if Ah Toot would be her prince in the end, but I sure do hope da tou fen would faster figure out whom she really like or love asap.

After all, it's not easy to find a good nice guy, plus 和他很谈得来somemore! Sometime it might be a pressure as in ah toot is actually from a well-to-do family... but I still believe tt if 大头芬really falls in love with Ah Toot one day, go on.. Chase Him!

After all, 幸福是靠知己去争取的!=D

Anonymous said...

我觉得Ah Toot 是一个非常好的男生,住这么远也赶来看大头芬。这个男生可真不错不知道大头芬会不会和Ah Toot做为男女朋友呢?


Anonymous said...

so touched by your story. Ah Toot is such a sweet guy. he is always the one who you will share your thoughts with. he seems to know you really well. and helps solve your problems.

anyway i think you should give him a chance. if it doesn't work you can still be good friends with him. anyway jia you ok? ;)

Anonymous said...

i want to c how ah toot look like =/

Anonymous said...

If i m sad or angry. iwould listen nice的pop song and sing along or go to the sea and shout loud loud,hit the pillow or go cry myself 2 sleep.

u can try go karaoke 2BUT DO NOT ever go take drug, go smoke or jump down from building ,ugly way 2 end yr life ,ifu wanna die, die properly ,dun die so ugly!tats all hope my comments will help u.

peifen 加油!

Anonymous said...

In life (in Singapore context), certain things are for sure:

1)As a voter, you wouldn't want a walkover for your GRC EVEN when you know it is going to Men in White again.

2)As a MOE official, you would hope that the so-called world class education system function as normal, thus you are likely to have zero tolerance for educators who bear malice in their hearts.

The same goes for me.

Anonymous said...


who is the voice over for ah toot??

Anonymous said...

the entry was nice. i think that da tou fen should consider ah toot. cause he is a better than tian cai jing. no point sad because of them as da tou fen got a very good guy beside her already.. XD

Paz said...

hmm。。有点好奇。。 "大头芬的世界"的角色们都是Yes933的DJs演奏的吗?如果大头芬是佩芬,天才庆-崇庆,大奶彬-伟彬,那Ah Toot(俊辉)是谁呢?

yhwong said...

i'm hope there's a beautiful ending for both couples.

shan ` said...


actually this part of datoufen's story reminds me of a song.

"yi ran hai shi peng you"

saying like two gd frens liking one guy. hmmmms. i wonder what would happen if da tou fen tells da nai bing she likes tian cai qing??


Anonymous said...

the story is very nice, can extend the time for da tou fen longer ma? half an hour like too short lei.. :)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

good luck for Da Tou Fen and Ah Toot
哈哈...聽你這麼說,心里癢癢的好想看看Ah Toot的家哦...

Anonymous said...

I think da dou fen should choose ah toot! LOLS his so SWEET XD. I think da tou fen de shi jie is getting nicer and exciting!



Anonymous said...

Are the D.I.Y. mask ingredient usable in real life??? After listening from radio, I felt it is very interesting.. The process muz be very fun!! Hope 大头芬& 大奶彬 will be pretty after applying those D.I.Y. masks.

Anonymous said...

听了这么多篇的大头芬,有时因为工作关系而miss掉了几集。。。 幸好有大头芬有写blog,酱我才不会错过(我觉得精彩的片断)。 大头芬,很欣赏你写blog的方式,给我的感觉就好像梁静茹所出的书酱,她用画的把她看到,感受到的都记了下来,而你则是把你身边所发生的事,物,情绪,思绪都写下来,让这个日记很精彩。。。以后你的子孙要真的需要卖这本书的话,一定会迈得好价钱的。
