Friday, December 22, 2006



昨天,大奶彬,天才庆,Sam,Daphne,雯婷,Ah Toot和我在度假屋附近的巴士车站会合。其实,爸爸妈妈根本不必为我担心,因为雯婷租的度假屋靠近东海岸公园,就在我家附近,走10多分钟的路就到了。我也答应他们,在度假屋每天都会打电话回家向他们报平安。

全都到齐后,我们一起乘坐短程巴士到度假屋。刚见面时,觉得很尴尬,因为Ah Toot不认识大家,没什么话好聊。不过,多亏大奶彬和Sam的搞笑功力,拘谨的气氛很快就消失了,Ah Toot也和大家愉快地聊了起来。

到了度假屋,把东西都放好后,雯婷问我们要不要骑脚车或溜滑轮。大家都兴奋地同意,我们便出发去租脚车和滑轮。因为半途可能会失散,所以我们约好一个小时后在脚车出租店会合。大奶彬和雯婷是滑轮高手,她们都带了自己的滑轮和保护配件。天才庆很体贴,租了一辆脚车跟着大奶彬,帮她拿背包和水壶。他们3个速度特别快,一下子就不见了。我不会溜滑轮,所以只能选择脚车。Ah Toot,Sam和Daphne也都租了脚车,我们四个一起骑。昨天是星期四,而且又是下午2点多,在东海岸公园的人不多,很宁静。一边骑着脚车,一边享受着凉凉的海风,感觉好舒服,好愉快。

突然,我听见在我后面的Daphne尖叫了一声,紧接着就是一阵脚车倒下的声音。我停了下来,转过身,看见Daphne坐在草地上,她的脚车倒在她身边。Sam和Ah Toot本来在我前面,听见Daphne的叫声,他们也停了下来,跑过来帮忙。两个男生把脚车推到附近的一棵大树下,开始检查,看脚车有没有问题。我拿出纸巾替Daphne擦掉小腿上的泥土。幸好她没受伤,只是轻轻擦到了右手臂。Sam走了过来,告诉我们脚车出了一些故障,不能骑了,需要回去换一辆。Sam说他陪Daphne去就好了,我和Ah Toot可以继续骑。确保Daphne没事,看见她和Sam的背影渐渐远去,我们才回到各自的脚车上,继续我们的旅程。

我和Ah Toot决定比赛,终点是一个偏远的沙滩。虽然我使出所有体力,用尽全部的胆量,飞快地向前冲,但还是输给Ah Toot。他也太夸张了吧。骑那么快,都没有奖品。

比赛结束,我们都累了,便一起坐在沙滩上休息。Ah Toot看我忘了带水,就从他的背包里拿出一罐水递给我。我问他,“那你怎么办?”他说,“我是骆驼,可以长时间不喝水。”我给了他一个“Chey,一点都不好笑”的表情,开始喝水。

这时,我想起了星期一看到的那位漂亮的女孩。该不该问Ah Toot她是谁呢?





Ah Toot沉默了一下,说,“我还不能完全接受她。我告诉自己,先把她和她的女儿当朋友看待。一步一步来。”



哦!原来漂亮女孩就是她!听了Ah Toot的话,我暗自开心,不知不觉对自己微笑起来。

“你笑什么?”Ah Toot突然问我。


Ah Toot解答了我心里的一大疑问,让我能开开心心,无忧无虑地享受度假的感觉。我们在沙滩上聊到忘了时间,直到大奶彬打电话给我,我们才记得租用脚车的时间已经到了,需要还脚车,在出租店和其他人会合。我们匆匆忙忙把脚车骑回去,幸好没被罚钱。下午3点多,大家回去度假屋休息,准备吃晚餐,然后一起去附近的戏院看电影。


Wen Qi said...

happi ending!!
i'd nvr expect tt beautiful gurl would be ah toot's jie..
wow! realli it's unexpected.. >.<
hope that they'll hav a fun time there!!

Anonymous said...

哇!天才庆真的很体贴耶!呵呵!Ah Toot 解开你心中的谜了。呵呵!你不小心笑了出来。他是否会知道你对他有感觉呢?呵呵!好期待下一次的大头芬的世界呢!呵呵!

P.S: 好开心哦!第一个给你 comment! 大头芬加油!=) 下个星期五我有个射箭比赛!好担心哦!

Anonymous said...

哇!原来是第二个给 comment 的人!

Smile Aways said...

hiee.pei fen..jingyi here..i think the start for sch reopen for sec 3 is 3 jan for this year ah..if i'm nt wrong ah..

btw hor..juz to remind saw my email ma?

Smile Aways said...

okies..let mi help u for the start of sch story ah..u can say that da tou fen was preparing to queue up in the new class.. den she will purposely count the number of people she had to shift to the right queue wif "ah toot" cos jus so "qiao" he is in the same class as da tou fen ah.. den bcos of their same height and also they stand in the same position when queuing up for seating arrangement..they end up sitting together ah." good opportunity" for da tou fen..mayb u can use tis as ur reference ah..anythin u wan to noe more can ask me..i will be glad to help u de... so how was the hello-kitty biscuits tad i gav u ah..? can i hav a reply if possible?bcos i left in a hurry as i need to rush home..thanks ah..

Smile Aways said...

---------"da tou fen rocks "-------
-_-"" gan ba te.. pei fen..and tad care of ur health too..hope to cya soon..

Anonymous said...

DTF seems to begin to like ah toot le - feel jealous when saw him with another girl.. happy when know that the girl is her sister or cousin.. any happy or sad things also wanna share with him.. want him to join her gathering - haha.. that's a good beginning... jia you, DTF... :-)

Anonymous said...


最妙的是,水落石出了,可是Ah Toot还不知实情。大头芬的反应像足了现代少女,今日淑女;浪漫中不带肉麻,潇洒中不忘矜持。

小敏:不敢苟同。我看他还不至于马上知道,但可能多几次就懂了。毕竟Ah Toot不知道大头芬看见他们。

smile always: 这个主意我举双手同意!坐在一起照料对方,然后,可能偶然的机会上救了她还是什么的,或者,情投意合,最终发现对对方的思念与日俱增。很好写。

Sherlin & Yinghan said...

Yeah~! do hope that Ah Toot and Datoufen will end up together, they will make a cute couple =D

Anonymous said...


omg.. so sweet...


Anonymous said...

So Sweet....Story that two guys so gentlemen.....
Ah Toot give water to DTF.Tian Cai Qin Follow His Girlfriend AND AS A 'MAID"....So Sweet....
Hope Good Ending For EveryOne-"You CHing Ren"
Jia You Ba All guys....

慧子 said...

最近比较忙,所以没有时间准时听广播,不过我有 subscribe 你的podcast, 可是一直不可以update podcast leh...哎。。一直停留在第37集。而且我要出国表演了,也就是不能够听广播了。



Anonymous said...

Yahoooooooooooo!!!真是一个super happy ending leh!我support smile aways的说发不我真想知道如果她们真的可以在同一个地方的话当他们日久深情时我真希望ah toot会向大头芬表白呢!


Anonymous said...

我觉得AH TOOT 应该也喜欢大头芬,不然的话不会对她这么体贴入微, 也跟她说也许他会有个姐姐,虽然不是很喜欢她!
我觉得AH TOOT 是那种很内向,不擅于表达自己,所以要AH TOOT 向大头芬表白会比较难。除非他以为或真的有竞争对手,他才会在害怕失去大头芬时才会把自己真正的感觉和想法说出来。很多偶像剧都是这样做吗!哈哈哈。。。。
我觉得应该让他们一夥人同班一定很有趣,也可以让AH TOOT 和大头芬的感情更进一步! 我记得以前我读中学时,同年龄的男孩子都会突然长高! 我认为明年可以让AH TOOT 变成大头芬心目中的白马王子 - 又高又壮又英俊有聪明!哈哈哈。。。。

Anonymous said...

很高兴ah toot能和大头芬的朋友们一起有说有笑,那么他就不会觉得自己孤零零。。

那位漂亮的女孩原来是阿姨的女儿,大头芬就不必那么紧张,妒嫉了吧。。 哈哈 :)

非常期待ah toot和大头芬在度假屋擦出更多的火花。。


Anonymous said...

I wonder why is it so difficult to find a girlfriend that fulfil my criteria?

My criteria is very simple- not based on looks or figures but on inner beauty!

So far, 5 have failed!

Anonymous said...

heng ar its only toot's step sis to be. so happy for DTF!!!

KkrissyyY said...

WOW! nice one! n_n
Merry Christmas alright!

Anonymous said...

大头芬的故事越来越精彩了!!!!WAH 到东海岸去骑轿车LEH...那边满好玩的。。。HEHE...AH TOOT 很HIONG LEH...只是比赛干吗那么认真?


Anonymous said...

Recently, a tragedy took place in Lebanon. A popular politician was assassinated.

This sort of things occurred because of the existence of a weak and useless government! One of the duties of the government was to put out ‘fires’, yet when it came to the critical moment, all it could do is to create noise pollution!

In this country, it is the group of evildoers who held sway, not the government! As such, they could even subject a fellow citizen to a witch- hunt. After committing the evil deeds, they could brag about it without any shame!

Usually people do have a sense of shame, thus when they have done bad deeds, they will be trying ways and means to conceal their misdeeds. Thus when the evildoers go around bragging about their misdeeds, it shows that they have lost their sense of shame!

By doing nothing to stop them, the weak and useless government is effectively encouraging them (zhu zhong wei nie)! By condoning what they have done, the weak and useless government is effectively assisting them (wei hu zuo chang)!

Mr Li Ao once said that Singaporeans were stupid, I wonder what will he said about this!

Such government cannot be helped, it is beyond remedy. It had betrayed the trust and faith of the citizens! Thus it is okay for the citizens to be quitters instead of choosing to be stayers.

A few decades ago, although people live in squatter huts with holes in the ground as toilets but lives were much simple. Nowadays, people lives in high-rise buildings with electricity, running water and lifts but some people behave like wild beasts as though they are living in high-rise zoos!

In such country, it is unlikely that there will be racial and religious harmony, meritocracy, enterprise and inclusiveness!

The real threat to small countries is not from the outside but from the inside. These evildoers have effectively built a cult around themselves. An evil cult is much dangerous than terrorism because it can cut across racial and religious lines! Meritocracy means that all citizens will be bought to the same starting line. When the evildoers could subject their opponents to a witch- hunt, how is it possible for all to be bought to the same starting line? Enterprise means to get people to work for themselves. How to make things works, when the ‘do nothing’ (CBL) government could prevail over the evil group? When citizens see that something is not right, they could only assist the government to put it right. When citizens see that something need to be done, they could only assist the government to do it. Then when the plans succeed, it is good for all! Inclusiveness means a society where everybody belongs, where we care for one another and continue as a team. When the evildoers go around agitating people to take drastic actions and built ‘Berlin Wall’, how is it possible for an inclusive society, where everybody belongs, where we care for one another and continue as a team, to be built?

To open your mouth and talk is very easy (Singaporeans could do better!) but to walk the talk is much tougher. In fact, there is a website ( ) that exist for this purpose. I wonder whether in future, there will be a website for people to ‘sing song’ as well!

Here is a hypothesis question:

Two parties- consist of an individual on one side and a group of individuals on the other side- have been fighting and seeking to finish off each other, causing damage to the national interest. If you were asked to choose to get rid of one side in the name of national interest, which side would you choose? I would choose to get rid of the group of individuals. Why? It is quite obvious that the sole individual is highly talented because he managed to hold his own against the group of individuals. It is without doubt that both parties are evildoers because they seek to finish off one another. No matter what religion you subscribe to, it is a sin to take lives! By making this choice, it will enable the individual to assist the government. When he outlived his usefulness, he could then be get rid of!

With the birds extinct, the fine bow is kept.
With the hares dead, the hunting dog is cooked.
With the enemy states destroyed, it is time for the wise counsellor to die!

( fei niao jin, liang gong chang.)
(jiao tu si, liang quan peng.)
(di guo wang, mou chen si!)

Anonymous said...

Merry christmas!!!

Anonymous said...

Merry X'mas everyone n da tou fen!! XD
Wished euu can b ur love ones to celebrate this romantic festival which i liked most!! ^^
Very sian..
Who can email me to make frens?
Gurl, 162 height, 42 weight, n PSLE get 256 =D
Hoped to make more frens!! ~''~
Any1 free to email me??

Sophia said...

Merry Christmas Everyone!
Take Care!!

Anonymous said...

wow!!! i tink da tou fen realli likes ah toot...

love tis series peifen^-^

starry said...

hey hi. hmm. that chalet story was great. managed to bring the anxiety of the story out. wahahas. but. i had to work on wk days frm 10.30-9pm. which means i cant listen to da tou fen de shi jie le!!! ARRGGHH..

but i'll come to the blog and read it. though it will take a longer time, for the sake of the story, i'll read it word by word.

anyways. pei fen. the weather hasn't been good. so take care of urself. and to others peeps out there too.

last but not least, MERRY CHRISTMAS!! =)

Anonymous said...

To Peifen 公主:
This is my first time listening to 大头芬的世界. Can you briefly tell me about this program?

shwuhwa said...


Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

佩芬姐,你好幸福。。。是不是喜欢上了ah toot 了呢。。真期待能每天听到大头芬的故事要知道大头芬最后和谁在一期。。加油我永远支持你。。

GiGi Shuping said...

When the girl thinks of someone while nothing to do, it's might be a sign of love. The more she thinks abt him here and there, thr crush seems getting stronger...

When the girl feel uneasy while seeing someone chatting with another girl, this might be a sign of love. (A frd shldn't feel jealous for frd of opposite sex to be seen with another female friend.. ah ha!)

When the girl feel like so many things to tell tt someone, yet feel uneasy or unhappy when he is unreachable, this might be a sign of love.

Thus, so many signs of love adds up together... it shows 大头芬 had fallen in love with Ah-Toot without knowing bah :D

Or should I say, young gals are easily to fall in love with someone (Good), esp at the stage where they have close frds ard them who are also attached?..

GiGi Shuping said...

Oh ya, most importantly, I remember how I knew I had found myself fallen in love with my bf in the 1st place. I din dare to look into his eyes when he was looking at me and toking to me. I tensed to feel blushed and look away. hehe~

Indeed you would like to know him better, when you start to fall in love the someone... Like to hear him toking abt his hobbies, his childhood stories, his family, his life preception, and getting to know his character better. You will then start to miss his face and his voice when he's not around.

In fact, if you only like the person as a FRIEND only, you will start to restrict your frds to stop teasing both of you or else you will get angry. But if you dp like the person MORE than a frd, you would simply just smile abt it and blushed it through when being teased by frd... (maybe hoping inside your heart that the guy would get the hint tt you like him actually?.. hurhurhur )

Anonymous said...

大头芬应该在ah toot 说出那位女孩是自己未来姐姐前,在"心如刀割"吧.

想想ah toot也许也喜欢大头芬吧.
哈哈.真幸福... ...


不要一时的没勇气,以致将来的后悔... ...

你是有很多选择的... ...

别人不要,还是有很多人抢着要的... ...

祝愿大头芬与ah toot有一天会有情人终成眷属...

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Anonymous said...

the dadoufen gt ah toot aready still lik the teacher...but then is the meiyun lik more...she oso nv ask dadoufen can use her name n oso herself the name oso lah tell the teacher noe they lik him...but then later lik tt the ah toot noe will break up wif dadoufen so later the meiyun ose can b couple breaker aready n expert....thx