Monday, December 18, 2006



今天,很早就起床了。可能是周末时睡太多了,今天早上9点自然醒来。刷好牙洗完脸,走到客厅坐在沙发上,不知所措。爸爸妈妈都出去上班了,家里冷冷清清的,只有我一个人。今天没有合唱团练习,也没有表演。大奶彬应该还没起床,Ah Toot需要到杂志摊工作。开电视想找个好看的节目,但早上9点有什么节目好看?关掉电视,继续坐在沙发上发呆。漫长的一天,该怎么度过呢?

我想了好久,突然灵机一动,有了一个打发时间的好方法。我决定亲手制作圣诞卡片,送给Ah Toot,大奶彬,天才庆还有合唱团的一些朋友。不过,该用些什么材料呢?在房间里四处搜了一下,找到一些彩色笔和几张颜色鲜艳的纸。如果只用这些,好象没什么创意。再四处找找,看到地上有几本杂志,就拿来翻阅,想找些灵感。发现杂志里有很多五颜六色的图片,是和圣诞节有关的,比如圣诞树,圣诞装饰,雪人等等,都非常漂亮。啊!我知道了!就把这些图片捡出来,贴在彩色纸上面,就可以制作简单又独特又精美的卡片啦!而且还很环保!哈哈!突然觉得自己很聪明。

我兴致勃勃地开工,制作一张张独一无二的圣诞卡片。大奶彬有一张,Ah Toot也有一张,天才庆一张,Sam一张,Daphne一张,雯婷一张…我越做越起劲,不知不觉就做了10多张。材料都用光了,才终于停下来。


到了乌节路,我们决定宠一宠自己,花多一点钱吃日式铁板烧。好好吃哦!大奶彬很好笑,一直说“不行,我发胖了,不能吃!”,但还是不断把食物往嘴里塞。吃饱后,她唉声叹气地宣布,接下来一个星期将只吃蔬菜和水果。我跟她打赌,如果她做到,我给她$10。但,如果她做不到,那她就要给我$10。Heh heh。这$10我是赢定了啦。大奶彬是个馋嘴猫,一定抵挡不住美食的诱惑。


在把卡片交给大奶彬时,我不经意看到了Ah Toot的卡片在包包里。Hmm,Ah Toot今天有在杂志摊打工,应该快要下班了,不如就过去把卡片送给他吧,还能借这个机会把他介绍给大奶彬认识。我跟大奶彬说了一声,我们便往杂志摊的方向走去。

到了杂志摊,老板说Ah Toot已经下班了。哎呀,怎么那么不巧?没办法咯,等下次和他见面时再把卡片交给他吧。

我们三个女生决定随便逛逛,打发一下时间。就在我们将要踏入一家百货商场时,我看见不远处有两个人在聊天。是一男一女,我先看到女孩,她长得很漂亮,乌黑飘逸的长发,瘦削的身材,白皙的肤色,连我都被她吸引住了。大奶彬也看到那个女孩,很羡慕地说,“哇!她好美哦!”我听不到他们在说什么,但看得出他们在有说有笑,聊得很开心。本来不想多管闲事了,但又不经意地看了男生一眼。矣?怎么那么面善?再看清楚一点,是Ah Toot?!

没错。男生是Ah Toot。我的脑海突然浮现很多疑问:那个女孩是谁?怎么没听Ah Toot提起过?他们看起来感情很好,会不会是Ah Toot喜欢的女孩?这又关我什么事?我为什么那么在乎?


“哦。没有,我以为看到熟人。”我随便回答她一句,快步走进百货商场,害怕Ah Toot会看到我。

那女孩真的很漂亮。看起来年龄和Ah Toot差不多。如果我是男生,应该会喜欢她吧。为什么一想起她,心里就有一种不愉快,有点沉重的感觉?好想问Ah Toot她到底是谁,却又不要显得自己很在乎。真矛盾。


MaoQuan (茂铨) said...

大头芬,你好象真的喜欢上ah toot 了吧!不妨去问一问ah toot那位女生是谁吧。如果,你不问,你有可能会后悔的。hmmmm..我好想看一看你亲手制作的卡片,应该会很好看吧!但圣诞节快到了,有打算去哪里庆祝吗?

Anonymous said...

okay...the story has become interesting again. gd job pei fen, thks 4 ur efforts.

Anonymous said...

datoufen, seriously, did you fall in love with ah toot? dun think too much lar maybe they are just friends or whad lar. If you really like him go ask him how he feels about you lar, if not you will regret it alot... ^.^

Evelyn Soo said...


i like the way you write the story... sometimes its like our boring lives... sometimes its just too "interesting"... haha... jia you!

Anonymous said...

原来大头芬真的爱上了 Ah Toot?大头芬一见到 Ah Toot 和一个美丽的女生在聊天就觉得不自在?当你见到这个场面才发觉自己已经爱上他了?呵呵!喜欢他就要和他告白。大头芬加油!! 呵呵!我去学校 for CCA 了!=)

bittergourd said...


Your friends are so lucky to receive the Christmas Cards you made for them. Nowadays, a lot of people just buy christmas cards or have e-cards sent to their friends,seldom people will make cards for their friends now. This shows that you are a thrifty and yet caring girl.

I guess when Ah Toot receive the Christmas card you made for him, he will be overjoyed, cos you mention that he has few friends, you are the only one who will care to make a christmas card for him.

About the beautiful girl, well, she might be Ah toot 's cousin from Taiwan, and came to Singapore to stay at Ah toot's house for the holidays. Seems like you are jealous. It is rather funny that you keep asking yourself why you should bother about him? Whether you like him or not, I believe he play a significant part in your current life now. Do you have dreams about Ah toot? If you do have dreams about him, then you might have develop feelings for him after knowing him better.


Heard from the second part of the show that sometimes you face a mental block when you are writing the story for DTF. However you still manage to create new and sometimes interesting stories, you must have a lot of inspiration. You said that some of the stories are real incidents that you meet in your life, your life must be really exciting. Even if I do meet such incidents, I cannot write them out as well as you do.

You also urge all readers and listeners to help you in the plot of the story, I am sure many of us will give our suggestions as best as we can. I believed DTF's life next year will be more fun, as she is 15 liao. At 15 years old, teenagers will experience a lot of things. For me, being a guy, it is the first time I need to wear trousers to school and the first time studying subjects that are more in depth.

A question though, what is DTF's combination, is it Pure Science or other streams that she will be taking? If she get to do Biology, then you can write about dissection of the bull's eyes.

Sorry for asking so much questions, just curious about what will the life of DTF be like for next year. Tks for making DTF so real, as if she is our friend. Hope that more people will come to the blog and make it more interactive.

Anonymous said...

Da Tou Fen Really Fall In Love Already loh......
Why So Jealous after looking ah toot and the another girl together leh...May be just a friend or she is a cousin or sister leh....
But If You really love someone please let him/her know a.s.a.p.If
not the changes will be"fly away" hoh..
Da Tou Fe, Must Be Think properly hoh....Jia You... Jia You

Anonymous said...


我相信那个漂亮的女人不是 Ah toot 的女朋友啦。。我觉得大头芬很没有自信心。。 不可以这样。。。

P/s: 果然,爱是很不知不觉的。。

Anonymous said...

Datoufen really fell in love with ah toot liao, that's why she was jealous.. Yeah, that feeling was jealousy.. Faster go confess your love to ah toot, if not that girl snatches him away how?? i think 3/1/07 starts school for secondary students next yr..

Anonymous said...

Actually ah toot likes da tou fen, it's just a coincidence dat da tou fen ran into ah toot in a shopping mall...da tou fen should be brave and confess her feelings to ah toot..dont live life in regrets oh~

Anonymous said...

and... you only get to know your classmates on the first day of school.. (:

Wong Yee Ning Shauna said...

actually at the end of sec 2, the students already know their classes for sec 3, cos they chose their subject combination before the holidays start in Nov. Then the results of their postings will be posted on the school website or printed out and pasted in school for the students to see =)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i remember when i was in sec 2, we had an assembly at the hall where the teachers announced who's gg which sec 3 cls, and we had to move ard to sit with our new clsmates. so i got to see who's in my class. =)

but that was 8 yrs ago... hehe

shir =D

**du yi kou qi_____ mo ji mo huang mo hai pa :) said...

你喜欢ah toot了啦!记得要问他那个女生是谁哦..要不然一直想一直想,很浪费脑细胞的!

Lyanne Teo said...

Actually, de ah toot had fall in love with da tou fen**<@>**
He's so lonely n de girl maybe his ex-girlfriend...
Hopefully, ah toot n fen have a happy ending...

Lyanne Teo said...

school's open day fall at 3/1/ fast the holiday will over,,,:((
My school will arrange before de holidays...
dat means i know already before next year^_^

Anonymous said...

大头芬你已经不知不觉的喜欢上ah toot了。ah toot 已经成为你的知心良伴了。

Anonymous said...

Hey! i think u and ah toot are meant for each other . Dun worry too much i tink ah toot likes u alot and u oso like him rite ? Mebbe its only the beautiful girl like ah toot but ah toot dun like her lor.If u really like ah toot maybe can tell him lah be brave lah if u dun tell now it might be too late for regrets sia aniwae follow your heart it will never be wrong de. i once told a guy i like him and till now i never regret it. :P

Anonymous said...

to pei fen,

at my time, we already know which class we are going to before the holidays. so that if we decide to change class (becos diff class study diff subjects) can apply. So, I excitedly go ask around to check who will be in my same class.

before school reopen, there is a long weekend. Hari raya and new year day. Maybe you can write about da tou fen's parent bringing her to Bintan for a short trip.

I've only been to the resort once but enjoyed myself. I tried their atv (4 wheel bike), snorkelling, rifle shooting, and archery. Their staffs are so friendly and helpful.

Anonymous said...

Lonely gurl says;

Pei fen i am a sec3 studen next year i think sch reopen will be on the first week of the month...As for my School,we already noe who our classmates are cos we have to choose the different subject tat we wanna and wat class we going we will have to go back to school and check the noticeboard thus looking into the noticeboard will be able to let us noe who our classmate need to wait till first day of school...Understand..."La Bao Bei..."Pei Fen...=)

Anonymous said...

Read the newspapers recently.

Find out that the annual salary of the Japanese Prime Minister only amount to the equivalent of S$540,000.

Wonder why Japan, being the world no 2 economy, 'ill-treats' its PM and by extension, the ministers?

Anonymous said...

da tou fen,u might not know that you have fallen in love with ah toot but u haf!!!
girls are usually shy to confess their love,and think that boys should have initiative, so u better hint to ah toot about ur love or gu qi yong qi write a letter to him, it will help!!!

Anonymous said...

da tou fen is nice!!! :)

- $hr0uded'''''

Anonymous said...

just feel that datoufen is so cute and stupid!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

datoufen jealous of the gal isst?

Anonymous said...

recently in a bad relationship with my mum. she's always with a bad temper. whenever she's not in a good mood, she'll let it out on me by scolding and shouting me. she did that again these few days. just now the few hours were the worst time in my life.. almost thought of leaving this cruel world which doesnt belongs to me.. and i cried till my eyes hurt so badly now.. couldnt stop the tears from flowing out..

Anonymous said... reopens on the 3rd of Jan next year because 2nd of Jan is a holiday(so shiok).although i'm only sec 2 next year,i think that before a new school year starts,sec 3-to-be students will know which class they belong to as they need to buy new textbooks...=)

Wen Qi said...

i jus start to read da tou fen shi jie..
i think is veri nice!
tt beautiful garl is realli a mystery..
n i hoped you could make the story lyk some korea love story, i'm sure mani ppl will lyk it!!
esp. my frens! they all love korea love story!! >_<
keep it up wid ur gd work!!
n i think da tou fen lyk ah toot lers. but dun b afraid, jus ask ah toot hu is she. XD

Anonymous said...

大头芬似乎已经在不知不觉中对Ah Toot产生了爱意噢。要不为何见到Ah Toot与其他女子一起时会那么的在意呢?呵呵~

我建议大头芬勇敢点去问Ah Toot那女子究竟是谁,以免整天在那里胡思乱想,惹得自己那么烦躁和郁闷。也许那女子只是Ah Toot的朋友,或者是亲戚呢?


Anonymous said...

可能那个女生是ah toot的朋友或者是亲戚。大头芬就不要想这么多了... 越想越烦恼!

你好像真的是爱上了ah toot了哦! ^_^


totise said...


i am peiru,from Norlamd pri sch isn't you say you want to know about when we will know who is our friend?Although i am not in secondary sch studant,but my second sis is a secondary studant so i know.When sch reopen then we will know who is our friend.

Anonymous said...

看起来大头芬已经爱上了ah toot..

Anonymous said...

为何大头芬看到Ah Toot和别的女生谈话时会有这样的感受呢?是爱上他了还是可能占有心太强呢?如果喜欢就去争取吗,不要婆婆妈妈,拖拖拉拉。机会也可能只有那么一次。失去了再也找不回了。但是大头芬好像很害羞哦,可能不敢向Ah Toot告白吧。What to do? 勇敢向Ah Toot问个清楚吧。


Anonymous said...

大头芬 think u starting 2 like ah toot .Dun think so much lah! ahtoot hav so many relative. The gurl may jus b his relative.

Anyway school start 3/1/07 nxt yr.
we hav already know our class 4 sec 3 next yr frm the sch notice board.
Everybody get 2 know yer class they will b goin next yr frm the sch notice board.Some know it frn e sch website.

:} 大头芬的世界 reali veri intresting=} keep it up!


Anonymous said...

ya lol .ya lol. but i think la she like ah toot coz this kind of feeling is a kind of caring of love

Anonymous said...

ai ya i think hor let see how la but so excite wat will they get for christmas. hee hee . joking la hope they will be happy in the end. wheather who is with who

Anonymous said...

与其让自己一个人在猜测, 不如直接问Ah-toot?

Anonymous said...

hav u fallen 4 ah toot? dun think too much... mayb da gal only his cousin or smth... & by the ways MARRY X'MAS 2 EEUUUU!!! ^^

l-sy said...

我很喜欢故事的内容。很精彩,又有趣。佩芬姐的文笔又好顺畅哦!从这我就可以多增加一些写作的方式咯!〈i'm goin 2 get my posting result 2 secondary sch tml!!!〉haha... ganbatae!!! olwaez support 大头芬的世界!!!

starry said...

hahaha. da tou fen really fell in love with ah toot already!! wow. that's interesting!! thnx for the effort pei fen! the story is really nice!! jiayou!!! im looking forward to ur da tou fen de shi jie!! =)

maomao. said...

okay lar.. listen to ur story seems u like ah toot.. haha.. hmms..
good luck!

Anonymous said...

da tou fen..
you really likes ah toot!!
i think ah toot is a good guy!
go for it!!
must jia you wor!!
jia you!!

Anonymous said...

wah da tou fen likes ah toot sia...
hope tt it works out

han said...

hu is that pretty gurl??? how pretty is her???

Anonymous said...

他生病时比他的daddy mummy 还紧张, 担心.
SMS 他得不到回应就会感到不安...
但大头芬你已经不知不觉的喜欢上 ah toot了!不要害怕! 快表白!

Anonymous said...

face will red... a bit shy.. heart beat faster.. when u see him u will try to impress him with ur best juang tai... tats hw u feel when u start to feel something for tat person.

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Clara said...

hi this is the 1st time i leave my comment.i want to say ammmm datoufen story is interesting and aspershely da nai bing she is the funnies ha ha ha .......