Friday, March 02, 2007

星期五 雨天



至于我们传媒系的,就比较特别一点。我们的学生,没有所谓的典型look,而是讲究表现自我,穿出个性。每个学生都有自己的style,有海滩阳光型的,随性朴素型的,文质彬彬型的,也有大胆艳丽型的。说到大胆艳丽型,传媒系的一些女生,把上课当作是参加时尚秀一样,大费周章设计发型,画上浓妆,穿各式各样最新潮流的衣服,手里拿着放不下课本的名牌包包。我不属于这类型,也很少跟她们打交道,所以我很好奇,她们到底花多少时间打扮?我们的课有时早上8点半就开始了,她们还是可以从头到脚精心打扮一番,亮丽出击。真厉害。我可没那么勤劳,对我来说,睡眠比形象重要。所以,我穿去上课的制服,通常都是简单的上衣配牛仔库或capri pants,只要舒服就好。




每次和其他组员约好在学校见面,讨论作业,她可以迟到1个小时,然后大摇大摆地出现,也没道歉,还敢拿出镜子不停地照,边照边埋怨出来时太匆忙,没时间把头发梳理整齐。讨论作业时,她完全不在乎,只顾发呆,当我们问她有什么意见时,她就随便说一些无关痛痒的废话,然后看一下手表,开始崔我们快点结束讨论,她要赶去别地方。有时真的很想站起来大骂她一顿,但为了照顾大局,我还是忍。还有更气死人的,就是每次分配工作给她时,她就会发牢骚,说她功课很多,很忙,没空做那么多,要我们扛多一点工作。而且,我们定下的期限,她从来不遵守,每次到了最后一分钟,她就会把没做完的东西email给我们,要我们帮她完成。有这样的组员,真的是考验忍耐极限!我和其他两位组员已经决定了,在做Peer Appraisal时,一定会揭发她所有恶习!


Anonymous said...

我在 JC 做 Project Work 时也曾遇到这种组员。 实在受不了。 但是人生就是这样的,我们不可能遇到的每一个人都是理想的,所以得忍耐。 大头芬加油!

Anonymous said...

da tou fen changed storyline???


Anonymous said...

Why suddenly change storyline? Where's ah tu, da nai bing and tian cai qing? And is e character in e story still da tou fen in e 1st place? Please kindly explain.

momo_serene said...

Hmm.... Really hor why the storyline change until i dun see any link to 大头芬 at all?? If the story link i wont say but totally never link lo.. Really have to explain to all your support reader lo.. If not we will very sad cos 大头芬 MIA lor....

Anonymous said...

da tou fen changed storylines ar ??? *puzzle* EXPLAIN PLS !!! it is kinda hard to accept lei ...

Anonymous said...

yoyo.i come frm jb~
gambateh ya^^

Anonymous said...

hi tink u forgotten to post the first esp.. describing how old they are liao..
i miss a bit of the first part of first esp which to be able to read it thanks..

In the 1st esp, heard tat gt someone admire AhFen give her gift hope it is ah tu.. :)
Jia You

Anonymous said...

I like your new storyline becos I am in uni now too! and I love the new layout of the whole blog, can u teach me how to change the header into a picture, haha.

I have met such proj mates too, and I think they really make our life hell =|

Anonymous said...

i used to know a girl called wendy too.... her attitude SUCKS!!!! it makes me really think that, does all wendy (s), are really that horrible?? the wendy i knew, she's really double standart. and what we called, double head snake.... so whenever now i heard of the name wendy, i really dislike it.. this wendy i knew, she talks to girls and guys are really different. and there's once, she even tried to cause dissent between my boyfriend and i. and mind you, she's already 19. my goodness.... she really treated my friendship as crap....

is it just me ? but now, as this wendy in this story, as makes me really dislike wendy (this name) alot.. or is it just that all the wendies that i know are like that that....

xhyanne said...

when u meet such people...

say it out oOo**^_^**

Just nothing 2 comment

--- Cogratulation ya

xhyanne said...

In u life, is my dreams.. ut sometimes wil be sweet or bitters..

just fate, but when u communicate den everythings will go smoothly...

WannA say dat be an idol but familier , king n populars

keep it on ur effect, FeN

lastly, be superman like GarY chao 1...**^_^

lv in deepest way n sincere way oOo

Anonymous said...

Okay this is for those whom like to one man show and too resposible grp member and leader.

Time management is important, right things do at right time =)

During my poly days, my project grp membersare like story lines ppls. And at that time I'm a project leader.

That time i afraid my project cant complete on time, then i one person completed 3 person task. When my project completed, me and my grp member result was good.

But finally i repeated my final sem, due to my 2 main exam subject failed. Before that my result in 3 yrs poly was very good, and my lecturer was shoked tat i repeated my final sem, becoz of my final yr project.

My reson to help the grp, is i dun wish to see my project grp failed becoz of actitude, and we also cant affort to failed. Coz i might repeated a whole yr.


Things to take note, we can help our peers our best. If they really not even try they are best, must highlight to ur peers and suggest them to improve on it, instead of just keep quiet.

If they still not improve, in that satuation best is highlight to lecturer.

GROUP PROJECT: is to work as a team, but not working a alone. And nver be too ONE MAN SHOW. when doing GROUP PROJECT. We might suffered alone with end result.=.(

Frm Bernard

Anonymous said...

this wallpaper very pretty leh...
newyear has new face is very good one...
jiayou la!
i will continue listenin dtf...
i hope dtf n adut can continue thier relationship leh...

Anonymous said...


ur blogskin vry nice!!!
and if i were u, i would haf scolded her untill she does some work!!!
dtf, u muz scold ,if not she will nvr voe her mistake!!!

but u can controll ur temper vry well arh???

shwuhwa said...

why change a storyline hur...
how about the previous story, no ending .... felt sian le.
i felt is want to change new story, unless must ending the old story first lo.
no one like to read or watch wihtout ending story lo.(this is my opinion only)

Anonymous said...


spelling error(above)

Anonymous said...

Though the storyline has been changed, but how come it's like the words that comt out from the mouth of datoufen is still like she's a sec 2 little student? Never like a uni-student's blog at all. Disappointed with the changes.

Anonymous said...

hi... when i first listen to the changed storyline,i was a bit shocked!!it seems a bit weird a first but i think it is ok now...NEway,hope u will keep up the good work and 加油!!

yuE said...

it's actually to change the storyline abit.

afterall, we can't possibly go on hearing tales on sec schoo life all the while.

stories based on varsity's much more interesting, filled to the brim with more stuffs and enriching experiences!

h.o.n.g.y.i. said...




[p.s.珮芬是不是写到不懂怎么样写下去了(中三的大头芬) ?] haha! =)

Anonymous said...

hi peifen.....first time here.just wanna tell you that both of you 'xiong mei' rock! support you guys everyday all the way..look forward to seeing you he zuo...keep it up!ok...DA TOU FEN DA WORLD is such a great programme..kind of miss the same age as me de da tou fen.anyway.i 'll support you!looking forward to the broadcast everyday...listening ggmm stand up now....

Anonymous said...


第 3 第4第5的女生也是一一的拒绝我,现在我喜欢了一个女生,她是我遇到女生当中,最接近我的梦中情人型,我和她在she的星光签唱会上当工作人员认识的,认识她已经一年两个月了,我每次都会大电话或sms问候她,和她 聊天,直到上个月,我问了她有没有男朋友之后,她就没再理我了...(当时她回我信息说:y u ask tiz in sudden??Mayb i would say i dun inttend 2 get a bf yet~hehe)

Anonymous said...

yeah... da tou fen grow up le... become adult... wonder what is University life like....

Actually when i do group work like PW sometimes like wendy.. dun do work properly and pple scold.. :(

I now know something about Uni life.. lolz..

looking forward to da tou fen on monday..

Anonymous said... is monday..can listen to your 'diary' again!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

why ah toot don't need ns?

Anonymous said...

I think it is untrue to say that the story sounds the same. The voice of datoufen, as worry... so aptly pointed out, has matured greatly.

Nor do I think that it is fair for yu to say that the words still sound like a secondary school student. Secondary school students and university students can still use the same type of grammar. One has to remember that while datoufen has grown, the audience has not, and the language remaining unchanged is appropriate so that everyone can understand it. Furthermore, Peifen's language skills are already very good, and has improved the Mandarin of many, and will continue to improve and inspire in the future. Peifen is a great author and an artist in story writing.

Anonymous said...

to kat2303,obviously only the wendies you know are like that.there are wonderful wendies around too.please dont go to the extent of condemming wendies just because you met a bad one.not like you meet a bad guy and you will swear off guys forever right?haha

Anonymous said...

wearin t shirts & jeans doesn't mean person bu ta ban. can u use ur brain next time?? 4 me, it's comfort. i LOVE my tee shirt & jeans!!

SquareCubEx said...

ey..when change 1..when they go come i dunno..-.-"

Anonymous said...

well said to some of the comments, especially e anoymous's comment to kat2303. i have a friend call wendy too, she is good friend of mine. what happen if u dont like name such as katherine or others, will u curse & swear all the people with same name?
no offence.