Monday, March 26, 2007

星期一, 晴天

自从上次Sammie和Ah Toot调情, 让我开始不喜欢Sammie之后, 我和Sammie就很少谈话了. 她应该不知道我对她的感觉, 可是, 不知为何, 最近她好象对我特别不客气.

今天, 我在宿舍的巴士车站等车, 从远处看见Sammie迎面走来. 心里有点想马上走开, 但因为赶时间, 一定要搭下一趟巴士, 就只好待在车站. 为了不要让自己显得很不友善, 当Sammie走到我面前时, 我逼自己微笑, 向她招手. 没想到, 她竟然瞪了我一眼, 然后很不屑地把头转向另外一个方, 假装没看见我, 大摇大摆地走到巴士站的一个角落. 搞什么嘛?! 我哪里得罪了她, 她干嘛要这样对我? 在那一刻, 我很生气. 可是又不能发泄出来, 非常难受. 幸好这时巴士到站, 我头也不回地上了巴士, 找了一个空位坐下来. Sammie 当然也上了巴士, 还以为她会继续不理我, 不料她竟然走到我身边, 语气冰冷地对我说了一句: “欸? 怎么这么孤单啊? 自己一个人去上课? 你不是很受欢迎的咯?” 她说完风凉话, 就走掉了.

当时, 我真的觉得很莫名其妙. 我想, 她应该是卖弄风骚卖到变疯子了吧. 神经病.

傍晚时, 和Ah Toot一起在我们宿舍的食堂吃晚餐. 吃到一半, 又看见Sammie迎面走来. 真是冤家路窄. 可是, 这次她的态度和早上完全不一样. 她微笑着走过来, 先跟Ah Toot打招呼, 然后再跟我说哈咯. 当时, 我非常惊讶, 也很迷惑. 难道早上发生的事情是我的幻想? 搞什么嘛. 怎么可能?

Sammie离开后, 我一直努力想, 她到底为什么对我忽冷忽热?

Ah Toot应该是察觉到我若有所思, 便好奇地问: “你在想什么?”

我看着Ah Toot, 不知道该不该告诉他之前Sammie 如何不友善地对我.

“喂. 你怎么老是发呆, 不说话呢?”

“哦. 没有啦. 没什么.”

还是不要说比较好. 因为, 我有预感, Sammie 对我的态度, 应该和Ah Toot有关.


“嗯. 真的.”

我们继续吃东西. 过了一会儿, Ah Toot又问我: “Sammie有没有对你说什么?”


“哦. 没什么啦. 只是问问而已.”

很不喜欢这种猜疑的感觉. 尤其是和Ah Toot. 分明是多年的好朋友, 为什么不能坦白说呢? 但, 我不愿说, 他也不想说. 结果, 我们什么都没说, 吃完饭就各自回去了.


Anonymous said...

Sammie like Ah Toot?? I think maybe she's jealous that da tou fen is always seen with Ah Toot.. then like when da tou fen is alone, sammie will give the very cold feeling.. then when Ah Toot is around she act friendly.. haha.. i'm not sure.. but if i were da tou fen.. i will think it that way.. :P

can't wait for the next part.. (:

Anonymous said...



QiuQiu said...

The DJ told us to listen in as it should be much better than just reading. In my words, i love the reading! =D And not at all the reading-out-loud *hmm..*

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

DTF's life is getting more interesting & complicated now. ..
With the intrusion of Sammie, the mysterious guy etc...
I really hope to know the next episode.

But Peifen, the repeat of DTF in the afternoon is no good as I always miss the repeat broadcast due to work committment. In the morning, at around 1030 am wld be better. But too bad.....

All the best to u, Peifen. I like your hosting in the jian dan shi mei. Do u think they will have a CD for the full episode ? I wld like to keep a copy for reference.

Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

hi peifen,
i love listening to datoufen, sometimes felt tat its too short :(
always can't wait for the next part.
Hope datoufen n ah toot can be together ^^ .
Peifen jiayou


Anonymous said...

i like both readng n writing lor. today lucky can read n listen to the repeat at the same time... quite da feeling eh

Yo... Peifen All the best regardless it's blog or broadcast...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

At bit far fetch.
But I think Ah Toot is the mystery man.
He wait for DTF at the bus-stop that time. Since DTF did not appear so he begin to get worry . Sammie come along that time . He chat with her . Sammie discover that he is waiting for DTF and got jealous.
I bet my 50cent its the correct ans. HAHA

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... Previously can see that sammie like ah toot.. And sammie had told ah toot that she like him.. But ah toot tell her that the one that he like is dtf... That's why sammie will treat dtf that bad in the morning...

Then sammie even say to dtf, "欸? 怎么这么孤单啊? 自己一个人去上课? 你不是很受欢迎的咯?" That means that sammie know ah toot like dtf... and sammie is jealous of dtf...

In the evening, sammie treat dtf better is cos at toot is with dtf...

Ah toot ask dtf that did sammie tell dtf anything? i think is because ah toot is scared that sammie told dtf that ah toot like dtf..

Love 大头芬的世界 a lot.. Nice Plot.. Nice story.. Hehe..

Jia You ~~~

Anonymous said...

da tou fen yao jiayou!!
sammie, xiaocase people, bu yao guan. :x

Anonymous said...

wanna catch up the story but more important that read from blog if cann't listen on time oOo...

so, everything will be alright and thing are as easy as u think...

so be positive...
be mature....

Anonymous said...

so meaningful and initiative when i'm sad and stress...

watever i read or listen de story......

everythings are alright..
DTF still hv feeling on Ah Toot...^_^

so unnbelieveable... the LOvE

Anonymous said...

如果神秘客一开始就是AhToot,为什么他不直接一点呢?虽然我也认为Toot和芬是一对的, 这一点让我猜想他可能不是神秘客。。。:(

Anonymous said...

hmm ya lo.looks like sammie likes ah toot!haii but she's so materialistic.just because ah toot is a rich guy she tries to get near to him.what a hypocrite.hai

hmm anyway..who's the secret admirer? hope it's ah toot!haha hope that the next episode can say something about that like maybe he ask DTF out again =}

Anonymous said...

should be trusting of each other since DTF and ah toot are friends. Its those times that we dont open our hearts and reveal what we hide that we will eventually regret the most. Often its only when we lose what we have will we learn to treasure. Cliche but true. Learn to love when you can love. Learn to open up when you still have the chance. Learn to do all these when you still want to learn. Time can never go back to what had happened and only the future can be built by what we decide to learn. Jia you

Anonymous said...

每天在公司和同事最开心的就是听大头分. 一个原因是听完就下班. 还有一个原因是我好喜欢佩芬的声音.



Anonymous said...



Johnny said...

maybe sammie read your last post. so she know you dun like her..haha.

sorry trying to be furnie. love DTF jia you!!!

Anonymous said...

How come nth mention abt 神秘客??? Really curious Who he really is. Can't wait to hear the next epi!!!!

Anonymous said...

apple said...
I think sammie will treat da tou fen like that is because sammi like ah toot but he like da tou fen. so she treat da tou fen like enemy.

Hope next part da tou fen n ah toot can be boyfriend n girlfriend :)

Fridayrean said...

How long it takes for a new episode of DTF to be available on podcast? Then i will be able to go Download it on time.

btw, did Peifen said who the mystery guy yet? Cos' I am at work and sometimes missed out the re-cast.

Glad that there is a DTF blog.
Jia you! Peifen.

Anonymous said...

I have said before, Sammie might be the helping hand of Ah Toot.

Thats why she so unhappy about Xiao Fen cos she never turn up for the meeting.

david said...

我认为晓芬应该向ah toot说明一切
如果说sammie和晓芬"冷战"是因为ah toot的关系

sammie喜欢ah toot




Anonymous said...

Listening n Reading DaTou Fen

Resently, starting to listen to Da Tou Fen De Shi Jie. Thanks to Pei fen jie I think everyone knows she had put alot of effort into it and from this story, I had some discover for myself after listening...

Recently, or I should say in my daily life, working/studying(later) life to me is like just to live and wait for whatever things that I would come across and when the occasion had ended, as if life had stop and I'm waiting for another things to happen...

Now I realise that when such feeling comes into me...may be its time for me to brush up my thinking Literature. Hey last time in Bowen I like literature one leh...just that I had no chance and not that much enthusiasm to strive that time. :x

I like the way Pei Fen jie telling the story of Da Tou Fen. It's so close to picture. This is the part that enlighten me...

Peifen jie all the best.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

really don't like sammie this kind of human being.

but so unfortunately, in life, all kind of ridiculous human being exist. sometimes i wonder how their mother teach them one.

Kat said...

realistic episode, that is what we experience in life, we will meet "sammie" all around us without noticing until the day you have been hurt by "sammie" in some ways.. there's a saying "if you can't fight them, be one of them" which till today, i don't want to be one of them.. i meet a couple of "sammie" in my 22 years of life.. it's a hard time dealing with them, but as we meet these kind of people, we will grow and become stronger in terms of character.. "sammie" is classified as fakers to me.. mean in the heart but acting to be friendly when somebody else is watching.. i think this saying is good "人若气我,我不气,我若生气,中他计"..