Wednesday, May 16, 2007











我的电邮信箱里,有两个新邮件。一个是由一位学校同学寄过来的,他在电邮里说想开一个假期派队,邀请我和其他同学们一起到度假屋玩几天。另一个新邮件,是Ah Toot寄过来的。看见他的名字出现在我的电邮信箱里,我竟然莫名其妙地心跳加速。是因为害怕看邮件的内容,但同时也很期待很兴奋很想马上打开邮件。犹豫了大概10多分钟,我终于把Ah Toot的电邮打开来看。

Ah Toot:“晓芬,你还好吧?那天接到惠彬的电话,问我有没有你的消息,她听起来好想有点担心。当时,我刚好和一群宿舍的朋友在国外旅行,所以不方便跟她聊太多。不过,我还是放不下心。那天晚上,想尝试打电话给你,但很不幸地,我的手机竟然不见了!唉。应该是被偷走了吧。我不记得你和惠彬的号码,所以一直没办法联络你们。如果看到这个email,可以给我你们和天才庆的号码吗?还有,让我知道你没事,OK?”

看完Ah Toot的电邮,我忍不住哭了。哭,是因为开心。原来,他还是关心我的。


Anonymous said...

今天真是碰巧,我刚来看就update了.. ^^


喔..还有晓芬不要太开心到忘记还有冬冬哦 :)


Anonymous said...

so sweet. i seriously hope that they will be like before. even if they can't be together. :D being together doesn't mean that nothing wrong will happen to them. hope they will be fine. :D

Cindy said...

oh....ah toot is so sweet and caring =) no wonder DTF likes him...really hope they can be together again...
Jia you DTF.

Anonymous said...

i think otherwise, if u already have a girlfriend, he shouldn't show too much concern on DTF, this may let her think that she still have a chance.

Anonymous said...

是因为我心胸不够广阔吧!这样的关心,我宁可不要。。。对我来说,没有所谓的再见亦是朋友。我知道ah toot没有错,爱情本来就是自私的,但要我当作什么也没发生过,以平常心对待ah toot,那不是那么容易做得到的事。。。

既然ah toot已有了女朋友,大头芬暂时还是让自己和ah toot少点接触,这样对她会比较好吧!要不然,这样的希望,只会带来更多的失望。


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i agree.. better not to haf false hope den to go tru the pain of being hurt once again. of cos, if ah toot really still haf feelings for da tou fen and things go the happily-after-way, den it'll be a bonus!

peifen, jia you!

Fridayrean said...

then who the owner of the female voice heard by huiBin on the phone then? Does it meant that Ah Toot went with Xinyi and his gang of friends?

Anonymous said...

i think so too. I feel ah toot shouldnt give dtf false hope at this moment. If u already have a gf, dun give others false hope.

Anonymous said...

my opinion is dun give yourself too much hope.. coz I have the experience before which I actually thought that there is hope.. but actually she is juz showing concern as a friend all along.. but then better friends then nothing at all..

anw DTF muz still jiayou (:


卫斯理 said...

为什么分手就不能做朋友?曾经有人告诉我,如果我不放弃对她的爱,就连朋友也没得做,之后她就拒我于千里之外。。。好像有点离题了。如我从前所说的,ah toot的所谓恋情很可疑,似乎没那么简单。或许是我天真吧,但大头芬和ah toot是真心相爱的,我还是希望有情人终成眷属。大头芬不知道ah toot那里到底怎么回事,ah toot也不知道大头芬已肯定自己对他的爱。不要因为不知道和不敢弄清真相而错过彼此。

Anonymous said...

有时候... 抱着太大的希望, 到头来只会带给自己更多的伤害...

DTF, 虽然我也不忍心这么说, 但是我还是觉得放手比较好. 曾经自己也经历过这种似有似无的贴心, 不只一次, 而是好几次. 但每次到头来也只带给自己一次比一次更大心灵上的伤害, 痛苦.

虽然我相信分手还能做朋友, 但现实就是那么残忍. 做朋友只能导致自己无法 move on, 因为你始终还是会想着他的.. 除非已找到另一个心上人吧..

随你自己决定要怎么想吧.. 祝你幸福. =)

Anonymous said...

Anyway, to peifen:

Just went to download the podcast for this week, wanted to listen to the entry in which dtf learnt of ah toot having a gf. Was initially very excited that the entry was downloadable by looking at the title! Then after downloading...

I realized that the blog entry didn't match the title.. *disappointed*

Can you pls pls update the latest entries on podcast asap?? And correct the titles? THANKS!!! =D

香蕉皮 said...





Anonymous said...

曾经喜欢上的一个人, 是很难说放下就可以一下放下, 也许是对方的一个小小问候, 也会再点燃心中的希望, 但希望归希望, 现实归现实! 感觉就是那麽奇怪的东西, 丢又丢不掉, 到底该不该再爱? 还是放下就走...

没人能为谁做结定, 自己看, 自己学, 自己去了解, 祝福你啦! DTF.

Joel said...

hey佩芬。我刚刚发现DTF有PODCAST。从头听了过后有个IDEA。AH TOOT 家景不是很有钱的吗? 如果说AH TOOT 现在这个女友不是他所愿意得能? 可能是因为某种原因 AH TOOT 被牵连进 “政治婚姻” 。可以是为了爸爸的公司的周转困难作出的牺牲? 不然是那 位的女生和AH TOOT 两家了是世交? 她们两正在作戏骗他们的父母? 或可以大胆的假设欣怡很AH TOOT是青梅竹马的好朋友。可是因她的父母怀 疑她是同性恋,所以她找她唯一能信任的 AH TOOT blah blah blah. 哈哈还是别在此说太多了。不然会有点anti climate。

p.s.DTF 别方弃哦!

Anonymous said...

What puzzle me was why did DTF feel that she has lost her love when Ah Toot has no knowledge of her interest? Since her uni days, she has treated Ah Toot as a close/best friend. Even though when she knew Ah Toot keeps her photo and still very much interested in her - she is cool, rather unsure of herself …and has never revealed (or even shown a slight indication of) her true feeling towards him.

How did Ah Toot feel that evening when DTF “rejected” him (after seeing the photo in his wallet). He must have “cried” and felt rather lousy like what DTF is going through now ….

But whatever, it is nice to know Ah Toot still cares a lot for her … Why must there be so many twists and turns in a true relationship…. Guess that’s life …Sigh...

Looking forward to your next episode. Thanks.

Joel said...


Delusiona said...

hahah.knew that ahToot would still care for DTF hope they got chance to be together...^^

Anonymous said...

Evev Ah toot still care abt DTF,but also hope DTF don't put too much expectation.
don't being hurt again by Ah toot.
just treat Ah toot like friend 1st,see how Ah toot react,whether he really got reason or not.

Actually really confuse & curious why ah toot so fast get gf,and be so cool v DTF.not look like Ah toot will do v DTF..

something happen v Ah toot?
i think it must hav a attractive story there.
how is Ah toot feeling whn he accept Xing Yi//?

Anonymous said...

AHHH!! AH toot still cares! *sniff*

AH Toot said...

Ya, that's more like it. i am not that cold heart, right? hehe

Anonymous said...

But Ah Toot cannot remember DTF's number? I thought he should be able to remember since he liked her for so long leh.. sigh.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why is it so difficult to find a girlfriend that fulfils my criteria?

My criteria is very simple- not based on looks or figures but on inner beauty!

So far, 5 have failed!

While it is true that looks and figures are considered ‘bonuses’, they are not the decisive factors! Inner beauty is considered the basic fundamental!

The story is about the love between a girl and an angel. Afraid that the angel might fall in love with another girl and thus leave her. The girl wakes up at night and hides his pair of wings. When the angel wakes up in the morning, he was very angry with the girl. He managed to find his wings and leave the girl. The ending is of course a happy one as in all fairy tales!

To me, this story is a thought- provoking one. Afraid that the angel might leave her, the girl hides his pair of wings. Without the wings, the angel will not be able to fly away but he can still walk away because he still has a pair of legs! Then is the girl going to take away his pair of legs? Without his legs, the angel can still escape! He can crawl on the ground using his pair of hands! Then is the girl going to chop off his arms as well? If the girl really did that, well, the angel will be hers for life! Why?

It is because the angel will die of excessive bleeding!

In fact, out of the 5 who failed, one of them (who go by the initials KK and the name _elly _ong) was not bad-looking and has a figure that is not too bad either, but unfortunately, she has an ugly heart!

It doesn’t matter whether you are driving a sports car or a saloon car, because when you are stuck in a traffic jam, it became a stationary car!

It doesn’t matter whether the girl has good looks and nice figure, because when she has an ugly heart, it is an outright failure!

Beside her, another two people were involved in this matter. They are the two ATs.

The first one (who goes by the initials AT and the name _deline _an) plays the role of supporter.

The second one (who goes by the initials AT or KH and the name _ndy _an) plays the role of supporter and instigator. He actively stir up the sentiments of the abovementioned person (who go by the initials KK and the name _elly _ong), agitating the person to take drastic actions, effectively using the person as a tool to achieve his own selfish aims.

While a person could spend a lifetime with the person of his/her desire, he/she can’t spend a lifetime with a wild beast! Even if you are both registered with ROM and applied for a HDB flat, you should do the right thing and forfeit the deposit for the flat rather than choosing to spend a lifetime with a wild beast!

As for the wild beast, he will no doubt suffer a double loss!

What do you call that?

Pei Le Fu Ren You Zhe Pin!

Lose the Lady and the soldiers!

Anonymous said...

ah toot still cares for DTF los...
i realli hope dey can b together again

jia you DTF

Ivy0901 said...




DTF,别让自己再陷下去。就把ah toot的问候当做是一个很普通的问候。这样,才不会痛。

Anonymous said...

sh0uld DNB pass the gift t0 Ah Toot on behalf of DTF, saying she wanted to give the gift to him that day? s0 that at least Ah T00t will c0nsider what he really feels abt XinYi?

Ah T00t stil cares fer DTF.. there's stil sign of l0ve..
H0pe Ah t00t will realise wad he rlly feels..

Jia you fer both DTF & ah t00t!

Anonymous said...

HMMM。。。 分手不是不可以作朋友,只是。。。 那应该是在伤口复原后。。。 是在没有幻想后。。。 是在彼此都放得下后。。。


佩芬:真的为你感到开心,DTF 的故事总是在我的预料之外的精彩。。。 加油!!!这“偶像剧”真的太棒了。。。

(<") Elaine (">)

Anonymous said...

i feel that DTF shouldnt hang on to the hopes of being together with ah toot le. cuz this is will hurt her again if ah toot choose otherwise. >_<

DTF, u muz JIA YOU!

Anonymous said...

我最不喜欢这种人了。既然不可能在一起,就不要给 false hope,让晓芬以为 Ah Toot 真的关心她。

Anonymous said...

人的感情就象是蓝蓝的天空,有时阴晴不定, 有时阳光明媚, 雨后带来的清新空气, 暴风雨时的感伤或愤怒.

Anonymous said...

They are so close/ good fren for many yrs how can ah toot dun remember DTF mobile no...


♥NeVerEnDiNg♥ said...

有希望了!! yay!
DTF, ah toot still care for u! means he nv forget u totally, as yet! ^^ jia you jia you! im sure if u n ah toot nv end up together (though i hope u two will get together ^^), im sure love will be waiting for u somewhere else. hope u will get ur happy moments back!

Anonymous said...




KEN_M_KHO said...

i realy hope that they will be like before and they can be together....

°ÅlìÇìå-● said...

好感动! 我竟然有一种奇怪的感觉, 是想哭吧. 我真的好想大头芬和ah toot在一起, 有情人终成眷属吗?


Anonymous said...

nice story.but the last few episodes were all so draggy.talking about pointless stuff.
BUT STILL.i like the story and i will support it.jia you DTF!

Anonymous said...

Seems to me that DTF likes to cry a lot nowadays, happy she cry, sad she oso cry. Maybe that is the other side of DTF, she is no longer as cheerful as I tot she is, so sad! I still feel that there is nothing wrong with Ah toot showing concern for DTF, does that mean giving false hope? I dun think so, would you rather have a cold and aloof Ah toot or the Ah toot that is caring and amiable? I would want Ah toot to be caring, at least he is not that detsetable. Ah toot might mean nothing at all, it is DTF who has to think whether she should continue to be as close to Ah toot as before now that he has a girlfriends.

World of DTF supporter

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I agree with Ivy0901. DTF should not put too much hope, she should move forward.
Jia you DTF

Unknown said...

I think DTF still got chance, because ah tooth still caring her. Girl mah... is easy to get touch especially when someone you love caring on you. Even just a simple action, also can feel very happy & touching.

I hope ah tooth still put DTF in 1st place, because he like her so many years, i think not so easy to let go, so DTF, u must 加油! Must let ah tooth know your mind..

Anonymous said...

Wah!!! The story so touching. Thank god ah toot dont know that DTF had fallen for him. I guess he wont be so natural around her if he know that. Hope they can continue to be friend and can we know more about ah toot girl friend??? >.<

Anonymous said...

I think things aren't so bad as da tou fen thinks. iwant to tell da tou fen to keep an open mind. And try to make some more new friends. Lastly,still hope ah toot will still come back to da tou fen.

Anonymous said...

怎么说呢?我还是觉得Ah Toot对大头芬有一份感情。其实,我不赞同ah toot还没好好的结束对大头芬的感情,就开始另一段新恋情。这对他,大头芬和心怡都不是很公平。不过,他们还年轻,不管结果如何,这个经验都会让他们三人更了解如何处理感情。

Anonymous said...

I hope DTF and Ah Toot can be together.Hope they know who they really love and let each other know,give each other a chance again.Be honest with your own feeling,hope the ending will be surprised and good too.Jia you DTF and Ah Toot.

Anonymous said...

AH Toot Blog:( Summary)
THe Pic we took together. Mark the end of our r/s. Nothing can describe how i feel now. At least this PIC will bring me back my memory. We will still be friends i will wait for her till she accept me again.
5 yrs have gone. Each day pass never diminish my love for DTF. The PIC is still in my wallet. Will still look at it once in a while.
Today DTF accidently saw my pic in the wallet. She was always wondering why i keep the old wallet for 5yrs and never change. After seeing the PIC. I start to tell her my feeling. She was silent and did not reply.
Did i give her pressure. A few days pass still there is no reply from her after she know my feeling. Ahh. 5yrs have pass. I think it time to let go.
Part 2 abt Ah Toot and Xinyi next time.

Anonymous said...

Hey, suddenly have a perfect scenerio. Suppose Ah Toot made up Xinyi as a final resort to test whether DTF still have feelings for him? Nobody knows who Xinyi is right? Maybe Ah Toot's friend 'advise' him to fake a gf to test DTF. Ahhhhh.. then that will be perfect!

AH Toot said...

hey! why someone posting a ah toot blog here, that's not my post... pls stop the pirated post !!!

Shawn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shawn said...

can anybody tell mie why she let ah toot go in the first place?..
maybe its too late for regrets nw..

Evil Care Bear said...

This entry sounds alittle sad huh. I was abit affected by it.

Anonymous said...

Answer for Friday 18/05/2007:
The bad guy who anyhow touch touch 大头芬 is call Dave。

Anonymous said...

我能了解曉芬的心情﹐因為我現在也有同樣的經歷。我希望曉芬不會碰到Ah Toot跟

Anonymous said...

but ah toot dooesn't remember dtf hp no.

Anonymous said...

if u like someone for so long how can u not remember her phone no???

Anonymous said...

the story is going TOOO slowly....

reader will start to get bored and fed up

nothing much just my honest remarks

Anonymous said...

When a guy's feeling for one girl has gone to another girl, will it still comes back???

Even if it does, will the feeling be the same again???

It's hard to love, but even harder to re-love...

Anonymous said...

I think it is ok to put their own though of the story inside. I like the way wind write his story. Sound like the voice of ah toot. Ah toot currently dont hav a blog by author.

Jia you wind, waiting for ur part 2 of the story.

Anonymous said...

Ermm.. I wouldn't find myself happy if I were to be DTF..
It is disapointing to realise that ah toot does not remember DTF's number at all..I dunno.. u guys do remember your sweethearts' contact details right at your fingertips yah? Sigh.

Anonymous said...

yes i agree. i wont be happy at all. ah toot does not rmb dtf's number..

Anonymous said...

Nowaday, technology is so advanced, by pressing the NAME of the person or even an abbreviation, the tel no will appear and you just dial - that's why we don't usually remember the no .... So don't be upset, most importantly, Ah Toot still cares for DTF... ha ha ha.

Anonymous said...

hw can ah toot dun remember their number when they alrady knew each other for so many yrs.. more to sae tt he like DTF for 5yrs.. haix.. aniwae.. i oso think tt ah toot shld try his best not to let DTF haf false hope on him, becos if she does not haf the chance, she will eventually feel more sad than ever.. and i tink she wun be able to recover as quickly as tis first time.. like myself, the one i like and care for ignored mi for no reason, and din even tell mi the reason after i asked, but i still hope tt smth might change for e better la.. but hope tt everyone can just sae out wad they think frankly.. if u like means u like, dun give others false hope.. dun let them linger on the hope and den hurt them thoroughly..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I guess if i'm DTF, such concern will only make me feel more upset and harder to let go.. :(

hoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hoon said...

soriie...many irritaitng typo errors...

it doen't mean that when you didn't hear from the other party means he neglects you. Sometimes he has a reason for doing so, and please don't feel miserable when you didn't hear from him. Congrats for receiving mail from Ah Toot! Hope your relationship with Ah Toot is stable and don't neglect Dongdong, ok??

by the way, i used to have a hamster. It is adorable and if you keep bringing it out, it can really recognise the smell of your my hand.
take care...

Anonymous said...

I hope DTF and Ah Toot can be together.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

How come the latest DTF story still not updated here ah?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Love is not something that who comes first that person will got it..

If ah toot is being together with another gal, he shouldn't leave her even if he realised that DTF likes him.

He should be responsibe for his actions. Relationship is not a toy whereby you are throw it away and buy a new one. It hurts..

But many times, people don't know..

Anonymous said...

i still think that DTF should let ah toot know about her feeling. even if they can't be together, but this will help DTF for having any false hope and she can move on from there.

Anonymous said...

Y not updated yet?~ T_T

Anonymous said...

its already monday..
how come no update de??
where is datoufeng??>.<

Anonymous said...

please lar... ah toot cannot even remember DTF's ph number. He confirm don't like her anymore. Just concerned as a friend.

Anonymous said...

I think there won't be any updates till Peifen is back from her leave.

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! That's Ah toot!!! Still 关心 DTF de lor...

He's COOL MAN~~~

Ganbatte DTF!! & Ah Toot dun toot toot le lah!!! 爱情来了!!!


superstar. said...

But, how come Ah toot dunno DTF nos? I means, if a person who love a girl so deeply in the past... someone who he put in his first place... definitely remembering her hp nos is not a issue right?

but, of cos, i hope they can get tgt!

Anonymous said...

I missed the 2 episodes on broadcast.. then no posts yet... I'm going crazy!! T_T

Hopefully I get to listen this afternoon... Only if I have a radio with me.. *sob*

Anonymous said...

我想Ah Toot一定还是爱着大头芬的。

但是, 大头芬也真的让Ah Toot等得太久了。 5年的时间, 说长不长, 说短不短。 但是, 我想对一位等待着爱情的回应的人来说, 一定是一段很慢长的时间。 Ah Toot会灰心, 也是一定的。

现在的Ah Toot, 接受了另一段爱情。 但是, 我相信他心里一定是还是很爱着大头芬。 毕竟, 也“爱”了5年的时间。 不是说放就放。

真的还蛮想看到如果Ah Toot不小心知道大头芬现在对他的感觉的时候, 之后他会怎么做。 哈哈!!!

看看Ah Toot是不是真的对大头芬一往情深、 至死不渝。 还是那位xinyi真的是那么有魅力。 让Ah Toot维持5年的“爱”, 通通都转移到她身上。

当然, 这一“战”, 我还是希望是大头芬战胜。 打败xinyi咯。 虽然xinyi会很伤心。 但是, 大头芬和Ah Toot这对傻瓜真的好相爱哦。 很舍不得让他们两个不相爱。

如果是xinyi战胜大头芬的话, 也祝福她。 他一定是有什么过人之处。 =)

祝福Ah Toot这位王子可以找到他的公主。 然后, Happy-Ever-After咯。。。

Anonymous said...

Ah Toot cannot remember DTF's number??? Abit weird lor... (X_X)

But is there any chances that he dun ever go and remember anyone's number?? Hahaha!!! If really he doesn't go and remember anyone's number, HE WIN LIAO LOR!!! Hahahaha!!!

Tai Yew Mun said...

poor ah toot. when he nvr show concern, he's criticised for being hertless. when he show his concern, he's criticised for giving dtf false hope.

how can it be wrong to show concern to some1 u care about? esp when he duno dtf likes him now. if dtf get the wrong idea, not ah toot fault wat.

and regarding ah toot not noe-ing dtf number is another case of trying to find bone in egg. nowadays pp are so reliant on storing friend's numbers in mobile phone. I have heard of bridegrooms who cannot tell the bride's number without looking at his mobile phone.

Anonymous said...





