今天,和Ah Toot约好在我们以前常去的餐厅吃午餐。出门前,我小心翼翼地把礼物和卡片放进包包里。想象他收到礼物时惊讶的表情,然后从惊讶变成快乐。忍不住傻傻地对自己微笑。
到了餐厅,我四处张望,尝试寻找Ah Toot。他还没来。于是,我先找了一个安静的角落坐下。等了大概10分钟,看见Ah Toot从大门走进来。是因为我太久没见到他吗?今天的他,好像和我熟悉的Ah Toot有点不一样。以前不太爱穿鲜艳颜色的他,今天穿了一件我从没看过的红色T-shirt,配浅色牛仔裤,还戴了一顶鸭舌帽。他好像突然变得比较会打扮了。虽然是蛮帅气的,但,面对眼前生疏的Ah Toot,我觉得有点不自在。
Ah Toot :“对不起,迟到了。”
Ah Toot:“你决定要吃什么了吗?”
Ah Toot:“还好。应该不会不及格吧。你呢?”
我们又沉默了。服务生把饮料端过来,放在桌上后又走开。Ah Toot开始喝他点的饮料。我察觉到他从坐下到现在,一直不敢直视我。我再一次尝试消除我们之间的隔阂。
Ah Toot终于微笑了。“对啊。我还记得你最喜欢玩的游戏。不过,你每次都败在我手下。”
Ah Toot:“好,为了让你心服口服,我们再比一比吧!”
结果,Ah Toot真的比我厉害。玩了十多圈Mastermind,我只赢一次。
没想到,这时,Ah Toot从口袋里拿出钱包。欸,已经不是那个破旧的黑色皮革钱包了。他打开新的钱包,从里面拿出一个小信封。他把小信封放在桌子上,说:“这个…我想送给你。”
我拿起信封,打开来一看,原来,是我和Ah Toot中学时拍的那张照片。
Ah Toot:“嗯。不过,现在不能收了。”
Ah Toot:“还记得当时你说要我给你这张照片吗?我还记得。所以,现在把这唯一一张珍贵的合照送给你。要好好收着哦。”
Ah Toot显然在逃避我的问题。
Ah Toot知道不能再逃避了。他沉默了一下,低下头,说:“我不要引起误会。”
芬:“谁的误会?”这时的我一心只想知道Ah Toot在隐瞒什么。我双手紧紧握着照片,双眼毫不动摇地直视着Ah Toot,等待着答案。
Ah Toot:“她…名字叫欣怡…是我的宿舍的朋友。我们…”
芬和Ah Toot:“…在一起了。”
在这一刻,很矛盾地,我和Ah Toot竟然还默契十足。其实,从他对我冷淡的第一刻,我就已经猜到他对我死心了。
Ah Toot终于把真相说出来后,我们好久没说话。我只是对着照片发呆。照片里的两个人,笑得很开心。不过,男生的脸上多了一层忧郁,女生的脸则无忧无虑。收这张照片的人,注定要背负照片所蕴藏的一切情感。以前是Ah Toot,现在轮到我。
Ah Toot:“考试刚开始的时候。”
Ah Toot:“其实,我们一直都很谈得来。她很关心,很照顾我。”
我们又沉默了。Ah Toot看了看手表,说:“对不起…我…要走了。”
芬:“好吧,你先走,我们下次再见。Bye bye。”
Ah Toot走了之后,我独自一人留在餐厅,手里拿着照片,脑海里重演着我和Ah Toot的每一个回忆。我们在东海岸公园的谈话,我们在这家餐厅玩游戏吃东西,我准备Mee Goreng给他吃,他送我巧克力。好多好多,边回想边傻笑。
暂时,我可以用回忆麻醉自己,忘了今天Ah Toot说的话,也就不会觉得心痛了。
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how can guys be like that?one moment they like you, the other moment they like someone else.
Feel very sad for DTF, I nearly cried listening to it. Hope DTF can be strong and tried to win back ah toot if she really like ah toot and want to be with him.
Life is very unpredictable and you can control your own life sometimes and most time not able to, but at least give it a try so that you will not regret it in future.
虽然不喜欢, 但其实早已做好准备会听到这样的发展...
大头芬啊, 每样事物都有期限, 看来你不小心把果汁放过期咯!
p/s 不知道志聪会不会把握这个机会?
Why ah toot so bad!!! I thought he really like dtf??? Why he change so fast one! =(
When i heard the broadcast, i cried. I can totally understand how dtf felt. cos this thing also happen to me before.When i wanted to tell him i like him, he told me he has got a gf. =(
其实, 早就意料到俊辉会喜欢上别的女生... 多痴情的人, 对于伤心的忍耐, 痴痴的等待, 是有限度的..
晓芬的心痛, sad to say, 是她自找的... 一直在没必要地考验俊辉的等待限度.. 俊辉已经是个很有耐心的好男生了, 已等了她五年了.. 而晓芬一直以来却没好好地珍惜他.. 而现在, 好男生被个真正会珍惜, 爱护和欣赏他的欣怡抢走...
不能说抢走, 应该说是晓芬放弃了他...
醒一醒吧, 大头芬... 现在到你尝一尝你这五年来所带给俊辉的伤痛, 伤心, 灰心的滋味...
That is really very fast. It's kind of unpredictable as well. Always thought that Ah Toot would be faithful to dtf..but in the end things still change...Hai *sob sob*
anyway, hope that dtf would start everything new..have a brand new start :) dun think about Ah Toot anymore le..jia you =D
wah! hao qian oo!!! yeah!! sigh, really feel sad for DTF!! but i believe ah toot will go back to her one day. he will realise that in the end the only person that he love is DTF.
jia you pei fen!!
总觉得大头芬太可怜了,当我听完今天的故事后,我也觉得心痛。其实大头芬早就该向ah toot表白了,才不会像今天听到这样可怜。
I feel sad for DTF.I can understand her pain and feeling.When DTF realised that she actually still love ah toot is aready too late.DTF should tell ah toot she still love in order to let ah toot know her feeling no matter what is the results like & should give him the present,at least he can feel your warmth and sincere.Is this the last story ending,don't really like and enjoy this ending.Hope Dtf will stand up on her own feet again,face bravely for now,present and future.Look on the bright side.
为什么人总是要等到失去了,才会珍惜呢? 也许就因为这样,我们才会成长把。有缘千里来相会。 是你的就会是你的,不是你得怎么样也不会是你的。只怕大头芬和真的是“有缘无份”。
Really is fate playing jokes on both of them. but very true. cos once u missed it, the same chance will nvr arrive again. so we should all live as if its the end of the world tmr. then we will know how to treasure.
besides the point, i think if datoufen gave him the gift, he will be in a dilemma. but i think at least datoufen dun owe him anything.
so datoufen, dun be hurt. i sstill have faith that u will end up together with the one u love.
Ah Toot said he still likes you on 6th April.. And in less than one month's time, he's tgt with someone else? he's not being fair to both girls... if that's the case, he's not worth your love even tho he waited so many years for you.
mmhz.. if this is an ou xiang ju.. here's wat will happen..
actuallie ah toot still like da tou fen one.. but coz that ger so nice to him and he waited so long for DTF to no avail.. so he decided to try to move on and attempt a new relationship... notice when asked why he like her.. he onli said 我们谈得来.. 她对我很好.. etc but he never say how he feels towards her..
then DTF will be very sad then Zhi cong will have chance... then will become the typical 2 guy 2 ger dunno how many 角恋.. haha.. then in the end DTF and ah toot will realise that after all these.. they still liked each other.. and it all started coz both of them dun want to tell each other their real feelings...
haha.. but that is for 偶像剧 la.. eh.. i dun think 大头芬的世界 is an 偶像剧 la.. so.. let's wait for peifen to come up with more interesting storyline!
P.S. Although Da Tou Fen is a fictional character hor.. after today's broadcast i feel like my good fren 失恋 lidat.. very sad for her...so... still hoping there will be a good ending!
和现实真的好相似... 让我想起朋友寄给我的 email:
"We are sometimes very strange people. The only thing we want to say, and the one thing that we should say, is the one thing we don't say."
babygal88 说得对... "Life is very unpredictable... give it a try so that you will not regret it in future."
DTF... 过去的就让它过去吧... 珍惜现在所有的一切. 你还是有朋友, 家人的照顾啊. 不要伤心咯! 振作起来吧!
i saw it coming,but it was still so sad.i guess when someone waits for too long,he'd turn to someone whom he thinks will reciprocate his feelings, or at least wouldnt treat him the way DTF did for the past 5 yrs.
hopfully DTF will follow her heart and there'll be a happy ending!
爱是要懂得珍惜和诚实面对自己的感觉。 (:
Agree with diet...天时,地里,人和 were the first three phrases which came to my mind. Feel very sad for DTF. I guess sometimes relationships are like that. Ah Toot like DTF for so long, hoping to get her love in return. Finally, DTF realised that she love him but then it is too late. Haa..but maybe it is not too late. Probably Ah Toot will eventually realise that DTF is still the one he love most...let's see what happen. =D
虽然听到 ah toot 有女朋友后挺伤心的, 但是五年来的守候都没有获得回报,我想 ah toot 也应该是绝望了才会下决心交女朋友。我想被爱比爱人来的幸福吧。。
如果 ah toot 到最后就算没有回到 dtf 的身边,也希望他们两个都能幸福!
Seriously I dont feel Ah Toot did anything wrong. When he wait for DTF for 5yrs. After DTF discover she did not respond. That kind of make him feel sad. This will make ppl to move on.
Imagine there is this one gal who kind for u very much this time. Tok to u often. U will said why dont give her a chance.
I feel sad for DTF if only she have respond faster.
Actually this really goes to tell everyone in the world true love is like opportunity grad it when it come. dont let it slip away.
Btw i vote AH toot did nothing wrong here. But DTF should have be with Ah Toot. Too bad. I think the present with the pic will be keep for quite a while....
so sad...
bt kinda expected tt they wont be tgt so easily when ah toot was cold to her previously during e previous occasions...
plus if they r really tgt tt fast den jiu mei you hao xi kan le..
oh my.. tat really hurts.. actually ah toot a bit too hua xin already lah.. but also cannot blame him..
If fen nv accept him also cannot expect him to wait for her for life.. well.. hope they will be back together again soon.. =)
i agree with the first anonymous. i missed it on radio, and when i read it here, i teared. i felt so sad for her.
anyway i think ah toot thought he doesnt have a chance alr, and since someone else was v nice to him when he was down, perhaps thats why his feelings for DTF shifted towards xinyi. but he said that they can get along, he didnt say he likes her alot. but then, judging from the change of his appearance, she must have influenced him to a certain extent. but still, i hope that DTF can find her own happiness!
Eh i dont think ah toot is bad at all. He waited for so long. Muz he wait forever? I think is abit too unfair for him to do that. Hope that DTF can be strong and live on.........
sometimes time just doesn't wait. you can't blame someone who waited for 5 years for giving up. *shrugs
他遇到了让他心动的另一位女孩。大头芬,你决定了吗?是挽回还是让他幸福?无论如何,the decision lies with you, 我为你加油!
Oh my.. Actually I saw it coming.. as in ah toot will have someone else.. but it's still a sad case for da tou fen.. =(
I agree that ah toot didn't do anything wrong for he had waited for da tou fen for 5 years! Been by her side throughout, happiness and unhappiness, and da tou fen even told him about the shen mi ke(later found out to be zhicong) too, right? Ah toot had done his part but no matter how chi qing one can be, it can't last forever ya? People just need to move on with their lives.. I'm sure he struggled whether to 'forget' da tou fen and accept someone else too.. considering maybe he feels that da tou fen had put their past behind her, have feelings for the shen mi ke, etc..
Girls want to be loved and taken care of, guys too! Don't you all think so? Once he/she is gone, all you can do is regret and fan xing why it happened. Suddenly I thought of the chinese saying "bu zai hu tian chang di jiu, zhi zai hu ceng jing yong you" At least da tou fen and ah toot did share their puppy love together, sweet memories to hui wei.. so I think it's not so bad afterall.. =)
But then I'm still very eager to find out what will happen next! Ultimately I still prefer pairing da tou fen and ah toot lah.. haha.. then maybe zhicong will be with hui ling? Who knows? ;)
Lastly, I would like to say,
P.S[I seriously think my comment has becomed an entry to this blog le leh.. lolz.]
我好生气。我早就有预感Ah Toot不会接受大头芬,我也知道他可能是有了另一个她,但是我无法接受他说“其实,我们一直都很谈得来。她很关心,很照顾我。” 拜托,这些可以是成为朋友,甚至是知己的理由,但绝不是成为情侣的理由。我每天为了守护着我心里最真的爱而受尽寂寞,孤独的煎熬,但我还没放弃,因为我不想败给寂寞。我想真心爱我所爱的人,而不是因为寂寞而跟我不爱的人在一起。Ah Toot,难道你不知道这么做不止会伤害自己,也会伤害大头芬和欣怡吗?Ah Toot让我太失望了。
Sorry if anyone thinks my post is too "drama". Coz i'm too engrossed in the story and I'm oso waiting for a girl just like ah toot so got too emotional when heard that he have a new girlfriend. Anyway, can't wait for the next episode and good job peifen jiayou wor.
ya..so sad,even was knw tis will happen.
but heart still pain,vry pain..for DTF..
DTF g@mb@te,don't give up.
will always support u.
hope the storyline won't said zhi chong come to consult,care DTF,thn DTF try to accept him..
i also agree v Xiao Yao & 卫斯理,if ah toot jz said xin yi too care him,thn he be with her,not look like luv xin yi..cos he don't knw how to describe wat he love xin yi.
i think mayb at toot was wait too long le,he want to let DTF go,and hope DTF can happy.cos mayb he think DTF will choose 'shen mi ke'.since ah toot was beside her too long,but she also din accept him,thn at toot feel reali no chance v DTF le,so he wan try to forget DTF..
mayb DNP can help DTF to aks ah toot,why sudden like tat??
REally can't wait for next episode..
Pei fen ji@ you^o^///***
da tou fen! win ah toot back! change of heart in just 1 month doesn't mean much! he probably was overwhelmed that someone else likes him that's why he's together with xinyi. it happened to me, being flattered someone likes me and be together. but it was a mistake, so dtf, jiayou!
looking forward to every ep, thanks peifen!
so sad to hear tat ah toot & datoufen can't be together... but tat's the realistic.... cos nobody will really wait for someone for whole life, we only see tat in tv programme not in real life.... tat's life..... maybe tat's the time to make someone get more mature & grow up... cos if u din get hurt, u won't realise tat's the world.....
we shd face the fact tat tat's life.... maybe she will get touched by another guy who really luv her.... frankly speaking, gal shd find someone who luv her more than she luv him so tat she can find the real happiness.....
听了... 确实有点伤心...
AH TOOT 有了新的女朋友,我觉得... 他没有所谓的对或错... 在他心底最脆弱的时候,是欣怡在他身旁的...毕竟...等待的滋味不好受, 尤其是没有答案的等待更是煎熬...
DTF 可以尝试接受 ZHI CONG 啊! 或许又是一个新的故事的开始... 期待哦!
(<") ELAINE (">)
feel very sad for DTF also...but i think now DTF hav to look to the future le, maybe she can go out with zhi cong sometimes too
i thought she can go with ah toot and there goes the happy ending
maybe DTF will be happier with zhi cong...i think can giv up on Ah toot le lar!
at least now zhi cong have a chance..
dtf was right, i oso feels ah toot become very "muo sheng".
did everyone still wish ah toot and dtf shud be together?
zhi cong might appear to comfort dtf and "ri jiu sheng qing"...
but no matter how the future goes, dtf accept the fact lo, if ah toot still likes u he wudnt give u back the "precious" photo.
jia you lo, don be so sad ok, theres still others waiting for u...hehe
why like that the ending is so sad?? but i still think that DTF should let ah toot know about her feeling so that she will not regret it. only then she could let it go.....
以前,我还一直认为阿toot 是新好男人!!
对ah toot 太失望了。
zhicong zhicong all the way.
Why like tat 1?...So bad lo...=(
Haiz.. so disappointing. i thought DTF can finally be with ah toot.
since ah toot had waited for DTF for 5 years, he might as well wait a little longer.. how come things can change so much during one exam period? feel so sad for DTF.
haiz...**sigh** Ah Toot 都等了大头芬这么都年了,就是偏偏在这个时候放弃!!But anyways,我觉得大头芬还是应该告诉Ah Toot 他的感觉。。。可能还有机会呢?Dunno..
AH TOOT SUXS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HE REALLY VERY TOOT LAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Try not to think too much, talk to some of your good friends like DNB, Huiling if possible. Must know that if you are too sad, it might lead to depression. Can't really blame Ah toot for having a new girlfriend, when it comes to relationship matters, there is no right or wrong.
Just didn't expect him to have a girlfriend in just a month's time and now you are so sad. Hope that you can still accept Ah toot as your friend, he is a worthy friend, can't be lovers, then be friends. Of course, it takes time to do that.
Besides, Ah toot is not obliged to wait for you to accept him, he just want himself to be happy. Maybe at that time when Ah toot mentioned about his gf, there is more of an element of shock than sadness. Thus you didn't cry or is that you wanted to cry but tears just didn't come out. Please take care of your health; we dun want you to be too unhappy that you seek into depression.
Personally, didn't expect Ah toot to have a gf so quickly, though some readers predicted it. Well, I am happy because it means the blog and show will continue. If not, then I am scared like some readers said before that it will end when Ah toot and DTF gets together. Surprised that your story can be so touching that some readers actually cry. I did not feel sad or cry because it is a fictitious character, not a real story.
Now I guessed the story will be revolved around DNB and DTF, not so much on Ah toot. Perhaps you will arrange for an episode of Ah toot & Xinyi going out with DTF and DNB. Then you can tell us more about the character Xinyi. Her name sounds so feminine, must be some gentle girl, because DTF is also a gentle and demure girl. Well, just guessing, it is up to you to create the character.
Congrats for your success in this show, has been following every week, though not every episode. It has been eight months liao, and your stories are getting more interesting. You are skilled in writing about DTF's emotional thoughts, it is very "real". Awaiting the next entry!
P.S I am sorry if I offend anyone through this comment, it is just my opinion, and I do not mean to embarrass anyone.
Eh! Sorry, it is "sink" into depression and not "seek" into depression.
总觉得ah toot 最爱的还是DTF,或许她也对欣怡有好感,但这一种感觉是不可能比ah toot对DTF的感觉来的强烈。
如果我是DTF,我想我会把自己的感受告诉ah toot,至少这样不会留下任何的遗憾。也希望ah toot可以成熟的作出决定,不会造成三个人都痛苦的局面。
我想ah toot刻意的改变,让我觉得它并不是我想象中的那半成熟,反而让我觉得,他有一点在报复,在示威的心态。真的有可能在短短的一个月就有这样的改变吗?
I cried when i heard it. So sad for xiao fen. Haiz
机会 总在犹豫中溜走
"单身,是茫然。恋爱,也彷徨 。。。"
After reading the blog... I feel so upset.. I've been thru this also.. My heart also sank and froze for a moment when ah toot say he attached..
Love is just so unpredictable. Once gone, it's just gone like that..
佩芬,我想知道Ah Toot到底是怎么想的。为什么他会放弃?他的决定很不“Ah Toot" 咧!也想知道欣怡与Ah Toot之间的故事。很好奇哦!
i was crying during this episode... so sad lorr... how can ah toot do this to dtf!!! haiz...
I cried after listening to de broadcast , feeling very sad for DTF.
You must be strong towards your LOVE okays ?
jiayou x)) yong gan de qu ai bahh ! He's YOURS !
maybe ah toot chose to move on wif his life le. u cant possible stay put in a place too long.
life is contiunous. is juz like taking a train with stops in between to find ur true love or someone to acompany for the journey.
he had move on. datoufen maybe shld do so too. if there's still fate between them, they may meet again at the next stop.
dunno xinyi is her subsitute anot but still hope they will be able to find their happiness.
雖然早已預料到Ah toot 會交到新的女朋友,可是當聽見佩芬略帶哭音的說出大頭芬的心情時,還是免不了的跟著傷心,因為又想到了以前的自己
只能說幸好Ah Toot 愛上的不是大頭芬身邊的朋友
ah toot....
i hate u....
u made dtf so sad...
and btw.. the ju qing like drama serial like that....
DTF, when such things happens, it may be hard for you to accept the state of matters at that point in time. But slowly, you will realise Ah Toot may not be that destined one afterall.
This recent developement is what I had expected. Perhaps because I had such similar experiences with 2 different guys before but in the end, we did not end up together. Instead, I am now happily attached to a 3rd guy. I believe my bf and I are destined to meet and to be together.
I believe in destiny. If Ah Toot and DTF are destined to be together, one day they will be.
Are all guys lyk tat?
i can't blame Ah Toot because life must still go on.u can't expect him to wait for da tou fen for all his life.it wouldn't be fair to him.
as for da tou fen,you must be brave.ai yi ge ren doesn't mean u have to be with him.as long as he is happy,it doesn't matter if he is with somebody else.if you can't be with him then i think being friends will be ok.after all you cannot force him to love you.he wouldn't be happy if you do that.so da dou fen, u must be brave cause i will support you forever... Jia You=)
Why?!why lyk that?very sad 4 datoufen leh.unfair de lor.
why?I cried after hearing tt ah toot had another gf. I hate u...ah toot!!
ahyo! i kew it will happen like that, i kind of sad for dtf lah, hais dount know what to say lah, just hope that dtf will find someone better then Ah doot lah
so sad... but never mind! da tou fen, you got zhi chong. lols... anyway... stupid ah toot ._.
I guess this story carries on like this because in the real world, we don't always have happy endings. However, I would still want a happy ending for DTF. ):
I think this is the saddest entry of the world of DTF since its debut 8 months ago. To all readers who cried, don't feel too sad, as DTF will find her true love someday, it might be Ah toot or might not be him. Hope that DTF will get over it soon and move on.
Very sad. I really don wish that the ending would be like this.. haix. =(
我也有一个前男友,现在是我的buddy。 我们就好像情人,很关心对方,很了解对方。有这样的朋友,也算得上是没白活了。
希望DTF可以振作起来。 若是有缘在重逢的话, 将来一定会有机会在一起的。
正如所料,ah toot真的有了新女友啦。当然这不是我想要的结局,不过,我猜这是对大头芬和ah toot最好的考验吧。ah toot不象是个无情无义的人,我很难想象五年的刻骨铭心的感情可在几个星期里有着这么大的转变。就算真的对大头芬绝望,怎能在几星期后接受另一段恋情(也许,我很老土吧)?经过这件事,如果他们还能在一起,相信他们的感情会更进一步。
This is heartwrenching! And she was sooo looking forward to giving him the gift!! Arghhh..
DTF, sad to say, it serves u right!
Wish ah toot happiness. but still hope DTF will be with him.
alamak, why like that!?! =(
hmmms..feel lik cryin leh.. why ah toot wif another gal? very sad!! DTF, dun feel sad. u will find another better den ah toot de. jiayoou DTF.. wo ting ni! hahas.
This is a note to be taken.
To guys, continue waiting if you think the relationship will bloom
To gals, tell the guys asap dont make them wait too long, not all guys have patience
Pei Fen that this part of the story is sad but reality. So keep up the good work. You mention the Cheese Tart,i know where do sell the tart. There a shop oppsite chinatown the C K there a shop that sell the cheese tart.
omg i cried
awww...i wish DTF can bii back wif AHHTOOT.must hor!!! actually it wasn't all AHHTOOT's fault wad.if dat time DTF nv ask for break..den mayb they are steading now wad.
i think if ah toot really loved DTF, he would have waited no matter how long it was... although its partly DTF's fault, but now that he has found a GF means that actually he can live without DTF... so maybe DTF can consider accepting zhi cong now??? pity though....
sometimes some people are so near but they seems so far away.. so far that some times we dun even noe how to be back to the memorable old times..
What past is past..
What is not cherished is what we get back in return..
Wow, didn't expect this, took me by surprise. But it's still a nice development, though.
so sad luh...but guessed it liao...haiz...hope DtF and ah toot still hv chance bahs...and hope she wun use ZC as a spare tyre...
smtimes smt r jus like tt...once you miss e opportunity there wont be another one le...
i love hearing datoufen...most of e time i ended up wif tears...it jus too real life...ya
to all: dont make decision tt u will regret..in love u jus hav to go wif ur heart..ya..
poor xiaofen.. sob sob.... but cant blame ah toot la. xiaofen, u're suffering now all because u couldn't make up your mind. and when u finally did, ah toot's raging flames of love for u had been extinguished.
i feel sad for xiaofen and ah toot. but no choice, heaven loves to make fun of ppl's feelings. hope that in the very end, xiaofen can still end up with ah toot!
actually i dun tink anione is to be blamed. afterall, ah toot has been waiting for dtf for so long, and dtf cant expect him to keep on waiting. he has the right to pursue his happiness too. even though he may not like his current gf as much as dtf, he's brave enough to step out of the darkness and search for happiness
feel like crying after reading...
pity DTF but still think she had let him wait for too long...
WHY??? Why like that...??
Very sad leh... Wish that this is not the end of DFT's relationship with Ah toot. 有情人, 一定要在一起。
I trust Ah toot sure still got feelings for DTF de... 怎么说, Ah toot 也爱了 DTF 那么多年了。 Trust that is not 说放就放。
DTF, now is ur turn to win Ah toot heart le. Jia you!!~~
Hmm, but Ah toot now got girlfriend liao. How ne?? Might it be Ah toot try to 接受 other gals, but still cannot put down DTF?? I hope that's the case.
I guess later something big happen to DTF. Ah toot than realise that he cannot survive w/o DTF... Hahhaha... Just my guessing... lOlxx... ~~
DTF and Ah toot jia you~~~
Really feel very sad and sorry for "Da Tou Fen." I actually cried when I was listening to the broadcast too.. Was hoping that the leads would be together..
I abit cannot understand leh... Ah toot 变心变得那么快吗??
Only not too long ago, DTF know about that photo in Ah toot's wallat mah... In such a short period of time, Ah toot change so fast meh?? His heart can be taken by that gal so quickly meh??
Really feel terribly sorry and sad for "Da Tou Fen." I was crying when I listened to the broadcast. I was hoping that the leads would be together.. Hope the female lead would remain strong.. All her friends, including us would stay by her side always...
I wonder if dtf tell ah toot she likes him, will ah toot be in a dilema?I still cant believe ah toot change heart so fast. Not long ago he was still saying he still likes dtf.Dun understand what he thinking. Such short time period can get himself involved with another girl.Does it mean his love for dtf is not strong enough to withstand time?
Really feel terribly sorry and sad for "Da Tou Fen." I was also crying when I listened to the broadcast. Was hoping that the leads would be together. Hope "Da Tou Fen" would remain strong.. All her friends including us would stay by her side always...
i knew it. sighs. this is very irritating.
ah toot held on to this relationship for so long le, when someone is nice and is close to you, you'll just fall for that person in no time, moreover datoufen was not even his gf yet... can understand that she's sad but then he has the right to find his love too... maybe she should let him know... although that will put them in a dilemma... unless ah toot is with that 'girl' just to substitute datoufen???
Well, if DTF acted earlier instead of dragging on the relationship for years,she would have been together with Ah Toot? It really doesn't help to be indecisive in a relationship coz it'll cause nothing but pain and hurt to both parties.
when I read the blog, everything about me and him just flow back. It is just so similar, but when he told me he has a gf online, I cried real bad. And this is the 1st time I cried for a guy.
After crying, I picked myself up and numb myself, trying to be back to whom I was again!
DTF, you must pick urself up again and you will feel better after crying! [:
人的感情。。。真的很难预料,当你最清楚的时候,过了一段时间才发现不是。。。相反的,起初很模糊的事,随着时间会更清楚了。所以也不能说大头芬活该,万一她当初自以为超喜欢俊辉,但真实相反,给的伤害会更深!我也已经料到大头芬告白不会成功了。。。Now, only time can heal wounds, it's whether you let the wound heal or not.
P.S. Pei Fen nice to see you at Tank's autograph session hee hee
Hmmm... I think... siao fen never open up to other guys. heh heh.. other than rich, toot is just another guy wat. If one day she ends up marrying him then it will be the most tragic, cuz the only guy she ever knew, is him. So boring.. and when she grows old, she'll regret not having more bfs =)hahahahah... hao ma bu chi hui tou chao hahah
toot时...ah toot已经有女朋友了...好可惜...真希望他们不会这样结束...不说实在的大头芬让ah toot等得太久了....在这里...我为大头芬加油...
althought ah toot already have girlfriend...i feel that da tou fen should not give up...jia you...maybe you still have another chance...but it is da tou fen fault for lettin ah toot wait for her for so long...
can't love withstand time...as time go by...will love fade away too?
人生难免有ups and downs
DTF 家加油!yeah
是不是不见面, 感情也会跟着消失呢?
By faithful student
Seriously I dont feel Ah Toot did anything wrong. When he wait for DTF for 5yrs. After DTF discover she did not respond. That kind of make him feel sad. This will make ppl to move on.
Imagine there is this one gal who kind for u very much this time. Tok to u often. U will said why dont give her a chance.
I feel sad for DTF if only she have respond faster.
Actually this really goes to tell everyone in the world true love is like opportunity grad it when it come. dont let it slip away.
Btw i vote AH toot did nothing wrong here. But DTF should have be with Ah Toot. Too bad. I think the present with the pic will be keep for quite a while....
totally agreed
its not ah tootz fault,u wait for someone 5years yet upon discovered by her,she still never make any action or response.
thus after 1-2weeks,it not surprising ah tootz got a new gf.who knows during all this while that gal may have already constantly showering love to ah tootz when he still holding on to DTF.
by diet
agree.sometimes timing also play a part.such things we cannot control sometimes.
in real life,sometimes when A loves B,B never choose to accept at the right timing.
then when B gets to love A,A already given up.even though two make have like each other alot.
but the frequency and timing went wrong
This is my 1st post, after hearing DTF on the radio since it's first aired on radio.
I sort of expected this... But still feel quite sad for DTF. However, when it comes to affairs of the heart, you cannot really blame anyone.
Anyway, DTF. Jia You! Hope you get over with it soon. You still got DNB and your friends...
I seriously don't see why ah-toot should continue to wait for dtf. What if dtf never wake up her idea? I bet if it's not for the presence of zhicong, she'll never see herself liking ah toot. I still think ah-toot loves dtf more than xinyi. I guess the most innocent party is xinyi. So poorthing...
aiyo...dtf very ko lian tai leh...!:(can u not make the story so...unhappy?
haix.. thou i kindda expected this kind of change in the story.. still felt sad for DTF becos when she jus discovered her love for ah toot, she realise tt he had already given another ger the chance to be in his heart.. i think no matter wad, love is double sided.. so ah toot is not totally wrong cos he accepted someone else instead of DTF.. if time reali proves that ah toot reali loves ah fen more, den they will be together.. there's definitely no point in making ah toot wait for ah fen for the whole life if ah fen is nv going to respond to his feelings... hmm,jus hope that ah fen will manage to pick herself up as soon as possible, and regain her cheerfulness...
*it's not the end of the world just because someone don't loves you. as long as you love yourself, and stay around, the person might just realise that the very person that he/she loved is you..*
DTF stay happy.. thou i reali hoped for u to be wif ah toot, i still tink love tt is forced wun bring happiness.. =) if ah toot loves u, he will definitely comes back for u..
ah toot was waited for so long for dtf, can't really blame him for accepting another girl.
he has kept his feelings to himself for so long, so when he told dtf his feelings, it must have been a big load off his shoulders. probably 1 of the reason tat he can let go and start something new.
Anyway, i thought it's good that ah toot accepted xy. if xy is really the girl for him, it's gd. if she isn't, n he really like dtf, being wif xy will re-enforce his feelings for dtf after he realise he still misses drf. after waiting so long for 1 person, sometimes u duno if it's cos u really like the person or u jus can't bear to let go. this may be bad for xy. but looking fr another angle, this is her chance to really win ah toot over.
i tink is n0t tat Ah Toot had a change of hart.. is onli he tinks tat DTF doesn't like him.. sigh.. thr0ugh can predict this will happen but stil h0pe it's n0t real.. DTF jia you, g0 fer wad eu wan =]
我觉得ah toot应该还是对大头芬有一份感情。如果他已放下对大头芬的爱,他为何要这么冷淡的对待大头芬?他们不是这么多年的好朋友吗?如果,他还把大头芬当作朋友的话,他应该很开心有了新女友,而最想得到她的祝福。为何在见面时,要闪避她的眼神,为何要匆匆离去呢?
Nobody is at fault here. If it is meant to be yours, it will be yours. If not, you can try till the cows come home and still the person will not be moved at all.
At least Ah Toot told DTF that he has a girl friend. Unlike some guys who cheated your love/trust and then pretend nothing happens. That really really hurts ....
Ah Toot definately still has feeling for DTF - the fact that he dared not look into her eyes... They will get together again (with the help of DNB). Throughout the relationship, Ah Toot does not know DTF's standing and how her feeling towards him ... thus make the "wrong move" (my guessing).
At this point, if DTF were to accept ZC, it will do injustice to ZC - he is nice guy, nice friend but definately not a "replacement". It goes the same to Xinyi ... I just imagine if Ah Toot finally knew that DTF actually had feeling for him and what's the last meeting all about(isn't that what he is always longing and waiting for?), how would he react to Xinyi then? Cannot imagine - two innocent parties will be hurt then ...
PeiFen, I really like your story .. it keeps one wonders ... a lot of ifs and what happens...
I wonder why is it so difficult to find a girlfriend that fulfils my criteria?
My criteria is very simple- not based on looks or figures but on inner beauty!
So far, 5 have failed!
While it is true that looks and figures are considered ‘bonuses’, they are not the decisive factors! Inner beauty is considered the basic fundamental!
The story is about the love between a girl and an angel. Afraid that the angel might fall in love with another girl and thus leave her. The girl wakes up at night and hides his pair of wings. When the angel wakes up in the morning, he was very angry with the girl. He managed to find his wings and leave the girl. The ending is of course a happy one as in all fairy tales!
To me, this story is a thought- provoking one. Afraid that the angel might leave her, the girl hides his pair of wings. Without the wings, the angel will not be able to fly away but he can still walk away because he still has a pair of legs! Then is the girl going to take away his pair of legs? Without his legs, the angel can still escape! He can crawl on the ground using his pair of hands! Then is the girl going to chop off his arms as well? If the girl really did that, well, the angel will be hers for life! Why?
It is because the angel will die of excessive bleeding!
In fact, out of the 5 who failed, one of them (who go by the initials KK and the name _elly _ong) was not bad-looking and has a figure that is not too bad either, but unfortunately, she has an ugly heart!
It doesn’t matter whether you are driving a sports car or a saloon car, because when you are stuck in a traffic jam, it became a stationary car!
It doesn’t matter whether the girl has good looks and nice figure, because when she has an ugly heart, it is an outright failure!
Beside her, another two people were involved in this matter. They are the two ATs.
The first one (who goes by the initials AT and the name _deline _an) plays the role of supporter.
The second one (who goes by the initials AT or KH and the name _ndy _an) plays the role of supporter and instigator. He actively stir up the sentiments of the abovementioned person (who go by the initials KK and the name _elly _ong), agitating the person to take drastic actions, effectively using the person as a tool to achieve his own selfish aims.
While a person could spend a lifetime with the person of his/her desire, he/she can’t spend a lifetime with a wild beast! Even if you are both registered with ROM and applied for a HDB flat, you should do the right thing and forfeit the deposit for the flat rather than choosing to spend a lifetime with a wild beast!
As for the wild beast, he will no doubt suffer a double loss!
What do you call that?
Pei Le Fu Ren You Zhe Pin!
Lose the Lady and the soldiers!
Believe me, this is not the ending i wish to......
好不容易大头芬想通了,ah toot 却交了女朋友。。哎呀。。如果大头芬早一点想通。。那么所有的事,都不会发生。。哈哈。。不过,我想这也代表“大头芬的世界”就要大结局了。。啊。。我不想以后做工的时候没听到“大头芬”的故事。。不想啊。。哈哈。。我很矛盾吧?!
神啊。。你保佑ah toot快和那女生分手吧。。让他能和大头芬像所有的童话故事里的白马王子与公主幸福快乐的在一起。。
guys are always like this.. 1 moment like this gal, the next moment like the other.. they can last as short as 2 weeks.. haiz.. so if a gal like a guy, must really say earlier brfore he falls for someone else.. but i tink if dtf really wan to win him back, shld be quite easy since ah toot love her for so long.. but then again, its not good to snatch another person's bf..haiz..complicated
nearly cry,but i bet b4 that will be happened,coz DTF made AT wait so long,feel sad for DTF,but for AT i feel glad,he found another xing fu....
贱兔 (^^V)
this is lyk e saddest entry ever. hope DTF can be together with ah toot. looking forward to 2dae's entry((: DTF jiayou!!
As expected this will happen from the moment Ah toot reply her sms late. You cant expect someone to wait you forever, right? Especially when DTF cant even give Ah toot a ans .. even a simple hint. So i guess that is life.. Treasure the person around you before it too late.
上帝啊 你一定要他们为了爱那们难过吗??
读了好想哭..心好酸喔!终觉得感情是最没有常理可言的事..也没有'ng' 片段..可以重来 >_<
我觉得ah toot没有错, 大头分也没有错耶。
爱情里面没有谁错谁对, 只有谁错过了谁。。
如果两人的爱情真的已经错过。。ahtoot 也很爱欣仪, 那大头芬你就要珍惜彼此,让爱情变成最持久的友情。。。BUT你如果要ahtoot做你的男友就要加油喔!把他抢回来..要相信五年的感情不会在一个月就被取代!!
so sad luh .. hmm .but i think ahtoot got new girlfren cos he wants to forget dtf completely .. but actually he SURE cannot one !then the new girl xinyi will be very kelian lor !
go shorty
its ya birthday !
go brothers ,its your birthday
it's mine,its ma birthday
its yours,its ya birthday,
woolala its your birthday
it everybody'd birthday !
why is the ending 4 ah toot n datoufen like tad 1?? i almost cry when i heard tad... why r there a 3rd party in the ending?? i can't really imagine about it... ....; long time did not say about danaibin and tianchaiqin... how r their relationship?? r they still BGR?? .......... feel so sad for datoufen.... but a bit angry with ah toot!!?? very sad.sad.sad.sad. 4 datoufen!!!! talk more about them!!! support datoufen de shi jie!!! CAN SHOW THEIR PICTURE ON DATOUFEN AND ALL HER FRIENDS ON THIS WEBSITE????? PLEASE???????
y like this? i thought they will become couple again :x
so sad.hoped dtf can be strong n look 4 new friend
其实也不能说ah toot 有错,毕竟用了五年去等待一断没有回应的爱,已经很长了。。。
推己及人,如果换成是大头芬的话,她会为了ah toot等那么久吗?
reli felt sad for dtf and shock bout a toot too ... life goes on. things change when time past. but i prefer they both together ...
Ah Toot waited for Datoufen for 5 years!
How many 5 years does a person has?
Whoa, break record liao, this entry generated over 130 comments, if the number of comments determine an entry's popularity, then it is the most popular entry. Read yv comment, feel that it is quite special, ya lor, never thought before what if all this is a hoax by Ah toot. Sometimes, guys do that to convince the girl she loves (but feel that she does not love him) that he has given up hope on her. In actual fact, he hasn't. Instead of jumping to conclusions that Ah toot have a change of heart, why not view this be a hoax.
Well, I don't know what you are going to write next though. Perhaps you could gove some hints on the next show.
Sorry to that things have taken such a sudden turn but i guess it is just a matter of time.
I am glad that DTF has finally faced up to her love for Ah-Toot, alas it came too late. DTF as to be more mature in the world of love. Love only grows and matures if you nuture it. Giving it your care and concern tenderly. But if either one party turns his/her back to the 'plant', it will slowly wither and die.
I don't blame Ah-Toot for he too, has come to terms with the situation. Love is a feeling and feelings change over time. How long do you expect a young lad/young lady in his/her shining youth to stay single-hearted toa person who have choosen to reject his/her love time and again?
Since things have come to such a situation, I can only say that DTF must come to terms with things. I know it is hurt, for i too have been hurted deeply before just when i thought it is time for a proposal. Silly me not to have seen it coming.
It will be a heart-wenching time when you try to come to terms with it. But i promise DTF that when she makes it, she will grow to be a much wiser person. ^_^ I made it and now i am a much happier person.
A word of advice would be not to fight for it especially since it has come to such a stage. If DTF tries to win back Ah-Toot, i fear it may end with all 4 parties in pain.
Take care, DTF. Life is an amazing process and a lot of times, by letting go of something, a new window you never knew was waiting for you will open for you. ^_^
Today listen to the story really almost cry..but cant because working in office.The words u use to describe the heartaches and da moments is so sad lor,and juz feel like da sword pierce into the heart lidat.Jia you Da Tou Fen!!
why is everyone thinking that no more ah toot, still got zhi chong? im sad for zhi chong.. he's not a spare tyre.. =((
When is Monday entry putting up on blog?
Haiz.. expected.. so sad!!!
Hope u will move on..
Please consider Zicong. Cos i think being Love is a Good Thing
Jia You DTF
I miss it on fri till today i read on internet. Oh no!! How come like that?? So sad for DTF... :( Reali hope DTF & Ah tooi will be together again. At least, DTF still hv her best friend to comfort her.
Codename8888 said...
Abit shock when heard Ah Toot got girlfriend liao. I thought He like DTF alot? Quite sad to hear that.
Maybe can say more about XinYi. This story dun seems to have bad people. Maybe XinYi could be one. Maybe that would be more interesting. In real life not every person is good ya.
just personal opinion
吖!...既然错过了就再也无法回头了, DTF别太伤心了, 要站起来!...以后要学会珍惜眼前人, 加油! DTF...
但想一想,感情的世界往往就是这样! 当他一直在身边时人往往都是不在呼的...
但有一天当想接受他时, 才发现他原来已远离了, 也才来后悔! 吖!...
Sharen : I also recently gt dump by my bf n I was so sad..even till now I will still cry..Jus wish tht DTF n the 1 she love : ah toot , will be 2gether in the end..yue quan tian xia de ren zhong cheng juan su...
arrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why everyone in their always like that one? nothing is always perfets one!!! i cant bear to see datoufen bbeing treared like that!!!!
actually ah toot has already like dtf for 5 yrs which is a long time...
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